EROWLMapper illustrates an approach to automatically mapping ER schemas to OWL ontologies presented in I. Myroshnichenko and M. Murphy, Mapping ER Schemas to OWL Ontologies, IEEE Sixth International Conference on Semantic Computing, Berkeley, CA, 2009. The mapping logic is located in the Mapper class.
Input ER schemas are defined using YAML:
--- # Person-Car ER Schema
name: Person
name: ssn
key: true
name: name
name: Car
name: vin
key: true
name: make
name: model
name: Drives
name: Person
role: Driver
name: Car
role: Vehicle
min: 1
Output OWL ontologies are serialized using Apache Jena in RDF/XML Syntax.
EROWLMapper is using Apache Maven. You can package and run the application as follows:
$ mvn package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.myrosh.erowlmapper.App" -Dexec.args="person_car.yml person_car.owl"