A couple of collective intelligence algorithms implemented.
Python >= 3.4 pygame 1.9.3
The flocking folder contains code for the flocking problem (swarm problem).
There is a nice description of the problem in this wikipedia article:
Inside the flocking folder type on the command line: python flocking.py
The result will be:
It is also possible add some flags in order to change some variables. The command:
python flocking.py --n_boids=50 --time=20
will execute the program for 20 seconds and with 50 boids. Type python flocking.py -h to get more details about the flags available.
The formation folder contains code for the flocking-formation problem. Robots following a leader.
The solution was inspired in the algorithm described in the article of Vincenzo Gervasi and Giuseppe Prencipe: Coordination without communication:the case of the flocking problem.
The possible formations are V, Moose, M, Arrow, U, Line for a even number of followers (8 boids) and their degenerations with a odd number of followers (9 boids): V-odd, Moose-odd, M-odd, Arrow-odd, U-odd, Line-odd. However, some of these odd formations are quite unstable.
Inside the formation folder type on the command line: python formation.py
The result will be:
for even number of boids
for odd number of boids
It is also possible add some flags in order to change some variables. The command:
python formation.py --formation=V --time=30
will execute the program for 30 seconds and with the V formation. Type python flocking.py -h to get more details about the flags available.