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Hyperledger Fabric app development demostration

Steps to run the demo

Step 1: Download Fabric and it's prerequisites and place everything

First download and install the Fabric prerequisites:

Our demo works with Fabric 1.4.4 (last stable version at the start of the project).

curl -sSL | bash -s -- 1.4.4

When everything is downloaded, go to fabric-samples and clone the content of this repository.

Step 2: Create and deploy the network with it's chaincode

For this, go to hyperledger-fabric-network-from-scratch and:

 mkdir channel-artifacts

Now we need to modify docker-compose.yaml to use the new certificates. For this, open this file, and look for FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE variable. You would see a ke, ending in sk. A couple of lines down you can find the same key. We need to replace this two with the correct one for every organization. For this, go to crypto-config/peerOrganizations/[one organization].workspace/ca. Reeplace the line in doccker-compose.yaml with the name of the file. Do this for every organization(four).

Now deploy the network and install the chaicode.


Step 3: Enroll admin and first user(optional because I give one preregistered user)

Go to fabcar/javascript-low-level and:

npm install
node enrollAdmin.js
node registerUser.js

Step 4: REST API and Frontend

Now we can start our REST API. For this stay in the folder and execute

node apiserver_secure.js

Open another terminal in the repository folder and move to fabcar-front end and:

npm install
npm start

If everything goes well we should see the frontend.

The Private Keys are saved into hfc-key-store into the fabcar/javascript-low-level folder. There is one previously created private key stored into privkey.pem file. Paste the full content of this file when making transactions to obtain a successful result.

Explanation of folders

In the folder fabcar are located the files needed to comunicate with the fabcar chaincode. Inside this folder we find one folder called javascript and javascript-low-level. The first one contains an apiserver without offline signing. The seconde one contains the example of the offline server rest api server.

In the folder hyperledger-fabric-network-from-scratch are contained the material for generating an example network like the first-network approach but with 4 organizations. It is optional to use this folder, but included to provide a full example on how the Hyperledger environment works.

In fabcar-frontend we find the client side files needed to comunicate with the server.


Hyperledger Fabric app devlopment demostration






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