Smooth UI for Credit Card Entry on Android device, perform check for supported credit card types , pan length and luhn check. Inspired by Uber credit card entry interface
- Luhn Verification Algorithm
- Smooth UI
- Info about card details
- Credit Card Type Prediction
- CardIO Integration
- Styling with Attributes
- Prevent Screen Capture on Add Card Screen
- OTP (One time password) verification
- OTP Length Bug fix
- Fix bug of installing library as a seperate module
- gradle dependency build optimisation
See demo by downloading Demo Apk
Add the JitPack repository to your build file in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.KingsMentor:Luhn:v1.0.3'
<attr name="luhn_show_pin" format="boolean" />
<attr name="luhn_title" format="string" />
<attr name="luhn_show_toolbar_color" format="color" />
<attr name="luhn_btn_verify_selector" format="reference" />
<attr name="luhn_typeface" format="string" />
AmericanExpress("America Express", R.drawable.payment_ic_amex, "34, 37", "15"),
MasterCard("Master", R.drawable.payment_ic_master_card, "51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 222100-272099", "16"),
VisaElectron("Visa Electron", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917", "16"),
Visa("Visa", R.drawable.payment_ic_visa, "4", "13,16,19"),
Maestro("Maestro", R.drawable.payment_ic_maestro_card, "5018, 5020, 5038, 5893, 6304, 6759, 6761, 6762, 6763", "12-19"),
JCB("JCB", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "3528-3589", "16-19"),
InstaPayment("Insta Payment", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "637, 638, 639", "16"),
Verve("Verve", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "506099-506198, 650002-650027", "16,19"),
Discover("Discover", R.drawable.payment_ic_discover, "6011, 622126 to 622925, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 65", "16,19"),
UATP("Universal Air Travel Plan", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "1", "15"),
MIR("Mir", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "2200 - 2204", "16"),
Dankort("Dankort", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "5019", "16"),
Troy("Troy", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "979200-979289", "16"),
CardGuard("Card Guard", R.drawable.payment_ic_method, "5392", "16"),
DinersClub("Diners Club", R.drawable.payment_ic_dinersclub, "300-305, 309, 36, 38, 39", "14,16-19"),
ChinaUnionPay("China Union Pay", R.drawable.payment_ic_unionpay, "62", "16-19");
CardEnum(String cardName, @DrawableRes int icon, String startWith, String length) {
this.cardName = cardName; // proper name of the card type e.g master card, visa card
this.icon = icon; // brand icon of the card type
this.startWith = startWith; // determine how to predict card by digit the pan starts with
this.length = length; // possible length of the card pan
Using Luhn can be as simple as these few lines of code.
Luhn.startLuhn(MainActivity.this, new LuhnCallback() {
public void cardDetailsRetrieved(LuhnCard creditCard, final LuhnCardVerifier cardVerifier) {
* Request for Otp with:
* cardVerifier.requestOTP(4);
* or
* do something with card details and return a callback to luhn using
* cardVerifier.onCardVerified(false,"error occured","error message");
*cardVerifier.onCardVerified(true, "", "");
public void otpRetrieved(int otp, final LuhnCardVerifier cardVerifier) {
* otp is retrieved.
* do something with otp and return callback to Luhn
in styles.xml
Luhn activity can be style. IF no style is provided, then a default styling is used.
<style name="LuhnStyle">
<item name="luhn_title">Add Card</item>
<item name="luhn_typeface">fonts/ClanMedium.ttf</item>
<item name="luhn_btn_verify_selector">@drawable/card_next_btn_selector</item>
<item name="luhn_show_toolbar_color">@color/colorAccent</item>
<item name="luhn_show_pin">true</item>
Contributions are welcome. Generally, contributions are managed by issues and pull requests.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.