To start using the project, download the zip archive:
- docs/main/ -- documentation
- src/astgen/ -- implementation consisting of several python modules
- .gitignore -- the files ignored by this git repository
- -- this readme file
- Python version 3.4 or higher
Unzip the archive and go to the folder src/astgen/
The command line syntax is:
python path_to_lexicon_file path_to_grammar_file path_to_input_file [-s] [-b]
Lexicon file should contain declaration of lexem types, one per line, as defined in section 2.1 of
Grammar file should contain grammar rules, one per line, as defined in section 2.2 of
Input file is an ASCII file as defined in section 3.3 of
An optional argument -s tells the parser not to skip spaces (by default, all the lexems with type 'spaces' are removed from the sequence before parsing).
An optional argument -b tells the lexer to add built-in lexems 'num', 'id' and 'spaces' into the lexicon file (By default, they are not aded).
Examples can be found in src/astgen/tests folder of the distribution.
The execution traces for two of them are given below:
:~/src/astgen$ python3 tests/arith_expr/lexicon tests/arith_expr/grammar tests/arith_expr/input -b
['add', ('num', '1'), ['mult', ('num', '2'), ('num', '3')]]
:~/src/astgen$ python3 tests/chess/lexicon tests/chess/grammar tests/chess/input
('move_id', '1.'),
('cell', 'e4')
('cell', 'e5')
('move_id', '2.'),
('figure', 'Q')
('cell', 'h5')
('figure', 'N')
('cell', 'c6')
('move_id', '3.'),
('figure', 'B')
('cell', 'c4')
('figure', 'N')
('cell', 'f6')