CAU 2021-2 Capstone Design Project Repository
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- Team name: 자신만만 스피치 비타민, 자스민(Jasmine)
- Seunguk Yu: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU
- Bolim Lee: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU
- Sanghwa Lee: School of Computer Science & Engineering in CAU, Team Leader
Entire Logic: Overall UI logic for our Jasmine service
Landing Page: Introduce our speech coaching service, allow user login & logout and starting service
Action Page: Start speech practice, allow checking our kid's speech analysis and user's flower(reward)
Speech Page 1: When the direction of the head is correct, a koala appears and compliments in real time
Speech Page 2: When the direction of the head is wrong, a sloth appears and gives caution in real time
Speech Page 3: When you can't see the child's face, a sloth appears and gives caution in real time
Analysis Page 1: Voice analysis results are presented on the parent interface
Analysis Page 2: Text analysis results are presented on the parent interface
Attitude Analysis (Video processing): by Blazeface, Customized Gaze-Detection
Voice Analysis (Audio Processing): by Webrtcvad, Librosa, FFmpeg
Text Analysis (Nature Language Processing): by TextRank, Kss, Konlpy
Child interface and parent interface are separated in a result of the presentation analysis