a project management web-app inspired by Trello, which helps team members collaborate and reach new productivity peaks.
Live demo here.
For the project hosted in heroku: https://mello2022.herokuapp.com/
This is the "Sprint #4" and the final project of the Coding Academy web-development course. This project was carried out in teams of 3 students and was written in only 10 days in the Vue.JS framework. It is my first full scale project!
- Vue.js 3.2
- Vuex 4.0
- Vite 2.8
- SASS 1.49
- Axios 0.26
- vue3-smooth-dnd 0.0
- Node.js 16.14
- Express.js 4.17
- Socket.io 4.2
- MongoDB 5.0
- Task management interface in boards and groups.
- Drag and drop interface of task groups and tasks.
- Task members allocation.
- Labels by color and text + Customization.
- Checklists.
- Due dates.
- Upload attachments.
- Task cover feature with Unsplash image search.
- Task descriptions and comments.
- Filtering for members and labels
- Real time updates using web sockets.
Project is: no longer being worked on.
Reason: Moved to work on new projects.
- Some bug fixes.
- Adding more features.
- Code refactoring.