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This library is built to provide a solution for Angular enables the creation of complex layouts consisting of panels that can be floated, docked, nested, resized, pinned, unpinned and closed. Additional components can be integrated to create an IDE-like layout.
Demo on the Stackblitz or Codesandbox



Install ngx-flexlayout from npm:

npm install ngx-flexlayout --save

Add wanted package to NgModule imports:

import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";

import { defineCustomElements } from 'ngx-flexlayout/loader';

  imports: [


public layout  = {
    rootPane: {
        type: 'splitPane',
        orientation: 'horizontal',
        panes: [
                type: 'contentPane',
                contentId: 'content1',
                header: 'Pane 1'


<ngx-flexlayout [layout]="layout">
  <div slot="content1" class="dockManagerContent">Content 1</div>

API Documentation

Content pane πŸ› οΈ

πŸ”— The main building blocks in the Dock Manager are the panes. IgcContentPane

Property Type Default Description
id string The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.
type string ('splitPane', 'contentPane', 'tabGroupPane', 'documentHost') 'contentPane' The type of the pane.
contentId string The slot attribute's value of the content element.
header string The text header of the content pane. Even if header slot templates are used, the text header is used for aria label.
headerId string The slot attribute's value of the content pane header element. If not set, the header property value is used.
tabHeaderId string The slot attribute's value of the tab header element. If not set, the header property value is used.
unpinnedHeaderId string The slot attribute's value of the unpinned header element. If not set, the header property value is used.
size number 100 The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes.

const contentPane: IgcContentPane = {
    type: 'contentPane',
    contentId: 'content1',
    header: 'Pane 1',
    isPinned: false
    tabHeaderId: 'tabHeader1'
public layout  = {
    rootPane: contentPane
<ngx-flexlayout [layout]="layout">
    <div slot="content1" class="dockManagerContent">Content 1</div>
    <span slot="tabHeader1">Pane 1 Tab</span>
Split pane πŸ› οΈ

πŸ”— The content pane represents a pane with header and content. It can be hosted inside a Split Pane or a Tab Group Pane. IgcSplitPane

Property Type Default Description
id string The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.
type string ('splitPane', 'contentPane', 'tabGroupPane', 'documentHost') 'splitPane' The type of the pane.
orientation string ('horizontal', 'vertical') The orientation of the split pane.
panes IgcDockManagerPane[] The child panes of the split pane.
size number 100 The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes.
floatingLocation IgcDockManagerPoint The absolute location point of the pane. Applies only for floating panes.
floatingWidth number 100 The absolute width of the pane. Applies only for floating panes.
floatingHeight number 100 The absolute height of the pane. Applies only for floating panes.
floatingResizable boolean Determines whether floating pane resizing is allowed. Applies only for floating panes.

const splitPane: IgcSplitPane = {
    type: 'splitPane',
    orientation: 'horizontal',
    panes: [
            type: 'contentPane',
            contentId: 'content1',
            header: 'Pane 1'
            type: 'contentPane',
            contentId: 'content2',
            header: 'Pane 2'
public layout  = {
    rootPane: splitPane
Tab group pane πŸ› οΈ

πŸ”— The split pane is a container pane which stacks all of its child panes horizontally or vertically based on its orientation property. IgcTabGroupPane

Property Type Default Description
id string The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.
type string ('splitPane', 'contentPane', 'tabGroupPane', 'documentHost') 'tabGroupPane' The type of the pane.
panes IgcContentPane[] The child content panes of the tab group.
size number 100 The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes.
selectedIndex number The index of the selected tab.

const tabGroupPane: IgcTabGroupPane = {
    type: 'tabGroupPane',
    panes: [
            type: 'contentPane',
            contentId: 'content1',
            header: 'Pane 1'
            type: 'contentPane',
            contentId: 'content2',
            header: 'Pane 2'
public layout  = {
    rootPane: tabGroupPane
Document host πŸ› οΈ

πŸ”— The floating pane is a split pane rendered above all other ones in a floating window.IgcDocumentHost

Property Type Default Description
id string The id of the pane. If not set the Dock Manager generates it automatically.
type string ('splitPane', 'contentPane', 'tabGroupPane', 'documentHost') 'documentHost' The type of the pane.
rootPane IgcSplitPane The root split pane of the document host.
size number 100 The size of the pane relative to its sibling panes' sizes.

const docHost: IgcDocumentHost = {
    type: 'documentHost',
    rootPane: {
        type: 'splitPane',
        orientation: 'horizontal',
        panes: [
                type: 'tabGroupPane',
                panes: [
                        type: 'contentPane',
                        contentId: 'content1',
                        header: 'Grid'
                        type: 'contentPane',
                        contentId: 'content4',
                        header: 'List'
Floating pane πŸ› οΈ

πŸ”— The tab group pane displays its child content panes as the tabs of a tab component. IgcSplitPane

const layout: IgcDockManagerLayout = {
    rootPane: {
        // ...
    floatingPanes: [
            type: 'splitPane',
            orientation: 'horizontal',
            floatingLocation: { x: 80, y: 80 },
            floatingWidth: 200,
            floatingHeight: 150,
            floatingResizable: true,
            panes: [
                    type: 'contentPane',
                    contentId: 'content1',
                    header: 'Floating Pane 1'
Themes πŸ› οΈ
@import '~ngx-flexlayout/dist/collection/styles/themes.css';
<ngx-flexlayout class="light-theme | dark-theme">
Localization πŸ› οΈ
import { addResourceStrings } from 'ngx-flexlayout';

const dockManagerStringsFr: IgcDockManagerResourceStrings = {
  close: 'Fermer',
  // ...

addResourceStrings('fr', dockManagerStringsFr);
Input πŸ› οΈ
Input Type Default Description
layout IgcDockManagerLayout Gets/sets the layout configuration of the Dock Manager.
draggedPane IgcContentPane, IgcSplitPane, IgcTabGroupPane Gets/sets the currently dragged pane.
dropPosition IgcDockManagerPoint Gets/sets the current drop position when performing custom drag/drop.
activePane IgcContentPane Gets/sets the active pane of the Dock Manager.
allowMaximize boolean true Determines whether the end user is allowed to maximize panes.
maximizedPane IgcContentPane, IgcSplitPane, IgcTabGroupPane Gets/sets the maximized pane.
resourceStrings IgcDockManagerResourceStrings Gets/sets the resource strings.
allowFloatingPanesResize boolean true Determines whether the end user is allowed to resize floating panes.
Output πŸ› οΈ
Input Type Description
splitterResizeStart CustomEvent An event raised when a splitter resizing starts.
splitterResizeEnd CustomEvent An event raised when a splitter resizing ends.
paneHeaderConnected CustomEvent - IgcPaneHeaderConnectionEventArgs An event raised when a pane header element is connected.
paneHeaderDisconnected CustomEvent - IgcPaneHeaderConnectionEventArgs An event raised when a pane header element is disconnected.
tabHeaderConnected CustomEvent - IgcTabHeaderConnectionEventArgs An event raised when a tab header element is connected.
tabHeaderDisconnected CustomEvent - IgcTabHeaderConnectionEventArgs An event raised when a tab header element is disconnected.
paneClose CustomEvent - IgcPaneCloseEventArgs An event raised when panes are about to close.
panePinnedToggle CustomEvent - IgcPanePinnedEventArgs An event raised when panes are about to get pinned/unpinned.
paneDragStart CustomEvent - IgcPaneDragStartEventArgs An event raised when a pane drag starts.
paneDragOver CustomEvent - IgcPaneDragOverEventArgs An event raised when a pane is dragged over.
paneDragEnd CustomEvent - IgcPaneDragEndEventArgs An event raised when a pane drag ends.
activePaneChanged CustomEvent - IgcActivePaneEventArgs An event raised when a pane is selected/activated
floatingPaneResizeEnd CustomEvent - IgcFloatingPaneResizeEventArgs An event raised when a floating pane resize operation ends.
floatingPaneResizeStart CustomEvent - IgcFloatingPaneResizeEventArgs An event raised when a floating pane resizing operation starts.
floatingPaneResizeMove CustomEvent - IgcFloatingPaneResizeMoveEventArgs An event raised when a floating pane resizing operation is in progress.
Method πŸ› οΈ
Input Type Description
dropPane Promise - boolean Performs drop of the draggedPane into the specified dropPosition. Returns true if the pane has been docked otherwise returns false.
removePane Promise - void Removes a pane from the layout.
addEventListener void
addEventListener void
removeEventListener void
removeEventListener void
Author Information
Author DaiDH
Phone +84845882882
Country Vietnam

If you want donate for me!




MIT License. Copyright (c) 2021 DaiDH