While using Spring Boot with PostgreSQL, have you ever needed to retrieve or persist data to JSONB
column? If your answer is yes, you might want to check this journal entry.
This Sprint Boot project is built using following setting.
Project | Maven |
Language | Java |
Spring Boot | 3.3.3 |
Project Metadata:
Group | moe.ichan |
Artifact | ichan-springdatajpajsonb |
Name | ichan-springdatajpajsonb |
Description | ichan-springdatajpajsonb |
Package Name | moe.ichan.springdatajpajsonb |
Packaging | Jar |
Java | 17 |
- Lombok
- Validation
- PostgreSQL Driver
- Flyway Migration
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Web
Check this project's Spring Initializr.
Environment variables used to run this project as follows.
Modify YourPostgresqlPassword
and YourPostgresqlUsername
according to your PostgreSQL database credential.
You might want to adjust the value of SPRING_POSTGRESQL_URL
according to your PostgreSQL location. However, please keep using currentSchema=ichan_schema
in your connection string.
After you have successfully run the project, you could use following cURL to hit the project's API.
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/crud/sample' \
--data '{
"sample_id": "ID1",
"sample_name": "Sample One",
"child_jsons": [
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/crud/sample?sample_name=sample%20one&size=10&page=0'