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File metadata and controls

203 lines (184 loc) · 14.8 KB

Profile manager

  • Refresh reload all profiles
  • Add add new item based on current selected item or chosen from menu
  • Undo undo last change
  • Redo redo previous change
  • Cut cut selected item
  • Copy copy selected item
  • Paste paste copy/cut items into current active profile
  • Delete delete selected item
  • Import/Export export or import profiles
    • Export current export current profile
    • Export all export all profiles as one file
    • Export all as zip export all profiles in a zip file, Note incompatible with web client
    • Import import profiles


  • Enable Triggers enable/disable triggers from being executed as text is received or sent to the mud for the selected profile
  • Enable Aliases enable/disable aliases from being executed before text is sent to the mud. for the selected profile
  • Enable Macros enable/disable keyboard macros when keys are key combinations are pressed for the selected profile
  • Enable Buttons enable/disable buttons
  • Priority The profile's priority, this allows you to control the order in which profiles are sorted when executing aliases, triggers and macros in case of duplicate names
  • Import defaults Import and append any default items
  • Reset profile Reset profile into an empty profile with default settings


  • Enable enable/disable selected alias
  • Name the name of the alias, this is used to execute an alias
  • Style how the value is processed
    • Text send value as is
    • Parse do standard parsing, allows %0 ... %n to access arguments, or %name or $name, may use alterative ${}/%{} block syntax
    • Script the value is javascript, it will evaluate and any thing returned will be sent to the mud. the value is wrapped as a function and any matched patterns are passed as arguments, use standard arguments[#] to access.
  • Value the value to send to the mud
  • Params this allows you to name arguments in a comma delimited list, each word in the list is the same as the %# and accessed using $name, ${name}, or %{name}, Naming convention use javascript identifier rules, which are must be at least 1 character of a-z,A-Z,$, or _ followed by a-z,A-Z,$,_, or 0 - 9, and not a javascript keyword
  • Priority the sort order of aliases
  • Append arguments append any unused arguments to the end of the value before sending to the mud
  • Multi this allows you to have aliases of all the same name, and if false to stop executing on this alias


  • Enable enable/disable selected macro
  • Key the key combo to press to run macro
  • Style how the value is processed
    • Text send value as is
    • Parse do standard parsing
    • Script the value is javascript, it will evaluate and any thing returned will be sent to the mud. the value is wrapped as a function and any matched patterns are passed as arguments, use standard arguments[#] to access.
  • Value the value to send to the mud
  • Name a simple descriptive name for easy identifying when editing macros
  • Send to Mud send the value to the mud
  • Append to Command append value to the end of the command input
  • Daisy Chain this will append the value to the command line if it ends with a space then send the command line to the mud, if no space it will be handled as a standard macro and send the value.


  • Enable enable/disable selected trigger
  • Pattern the pattern to match against
    • Add trigger state Add a new trigger state to current trigger making a multi state trigger, see Multi state triggers
    • Remove trigger state Remove the current trigger state, only enabled if multiple states
  • Style how the value is processed
    • Text send value as is
    • Parse do standard parsing, allows %0 ... %n to access arguments regex matches, may use alterative ${}/%{} block syntax
    • Script the value is javascript, it will evaluate and any thing returned will be sent to the mud, the value is wrapped as a function and any matched patterns are passed as arguments, use standard arguments[#] to access.
  • Value the value to send to the mud
  • Test Allows you to test your pattern against a string and return results and any arguments found
    • Text the text to test pattern against.
    • Results the results of the test, either no match or a list of arguments found.
  • Type the type of trigger
    • Regular Expression use javascript regular expressions when matching the pattern against text, allowed named capturing as, $name, %{name} or ${name}, Naming convention use javascript identifier rules, which are must be at least 1 character of a-z,A-Z,$, or _ followed by a-z,A-Z,$,_, or 0 - 9, and not a javascript keyword
      • Example: (?<name>.*) says: (?<message>.*) will store first group as name, and second as message
        • Access as passe type: %1, ${1}, %{1}, ${name}, %{name}, $name, %1, ${1}, %{1}, $message, ${message}, %{message}
        • Access as script type: arguments[1], name, arguments[2], message
    • Command Input Regular Expression same as Regular Expression but only triggered against text sent from the command input.
    • Event fired when pattern matches an event name, either a custom name or built in:
      • opened fired when client has finished opening
      • closed fired when client is closing
      • connected fired when client has been connected
      • disconnected fired when client has been disconnected
      • error fired when an error happens, first first argument is error message
      • focus fired when window focused
      • blur fired when window loses focus
      • notify-clicked fired when notification is clicked
        • argument 1 is title
        • argument 2 is message
      • notify-closed fired when notification is closed
        • argument 1 is title
        • argument 2 is message
      • backup-loaded fired when backup has finished loading
      • backup-saved fired when backup has finished saving
      • context-pre-build fired before user context menu is built
        • argument 1:
          • 0 if not a url
          • 1 if url
          • 2 if mxp url
      • context-opened fired when the context menu is opened
        • argument 1:
          • 0 if not a url
          • 1 if url
          • 2 if mxp url
      • context-closed fired when the context menu is closed, argument 1 is menu object, argument 2 is 0 if not a url, is 1 if url, 2 if mxp url
      • tray-click fired when tray icon is clicked
      • tray-double-click fired when tray icon is doubled clicked, Mac, Windows
    • Alarm create repeating tick timers
      When using alarm type pattern is in the format of hours:minutes:seconds, where hours and minutes are optional. A asterisk (*) is a wildcard to match any value for that place, if minutes or hours are missing a * is assumed. If pattern is preceded with a minus (-) the connection time is used instead of current time.
      You can also define a temporary, one time alarm if pattern is preceded with a plus (+), the trigger alarm is executed then deleted.
      Hours are defined in 24 hour format of 0 to 23, minutes and seconds are 0 to 59.
      If seconds are > 59 and the only pattern it will be considered the same as adding a wildcard (*) in front of the number.
      Hours, minutes, and seconds can use a special wildcard format of *value which will match when the time MOD is zero, eg: *10 matches 10, 20, ...
    • Pattern use zMUD style pattern matching when matching against text
    • Command Input Pattern use zMUD style pattern matching but only triggered against text sent from the command input.
      • * match any number (even none) of characters or white space
      • ? match a single character
      • %d match any number of digits (0-9)
      • %n match a number that starts with a + or - sign
      • %w match any number of alpha characters (a-z) (a word)
      • %a match any number of alphanumeric characters (a-z,0-9)
      • %s match any amount of white space (spaces, tabs)
      • %x match any amount of non-white space
      • %y match any amount of non-white space (same as %x but matches start and end of line)
      • %p match any punctuation
      • %q match any punctuation (same as %p but matches start and end of line)
      • %t match a direction command, ignored as not supported
      • %e match ESC character for ansi patterns
      • [range] match any amount of characters listed in range
      • ^ force pattern to match starting at the beginning of the line
      • $ force pattern to match ending at the end of the line
      • (pattern) save the matched pattern in a parameter %1 though %99
      • ~ quote the next character to prevent it to be interpreted as a wild card, required to match special characters
      • ~~ match a quote character verbatim
      • {val1|val2|val3|...} match any of the specified strings a preference controls the use of wildcards here
      • @variable match any of the specified strings or keys words with variable value
      • {^string} do not match the specified string
      • &nn matches exactly nn characters (fixed width pattern)
      • &VarName assigns the matched string to the given variable
      • %/regex/% matches the given Regular Expression
    • Loop Expression execute every line as long as expression is true, setting param to # will set the max number of lines allowed to loop, WARNING It is very easy to get stuck in an infinite loop if the trigger returns or displays text to the screen, if you use a param you will have to reset the trigger state using #STATE if not a multi state trigger
    • Sub triggers Only types:
      • Skip Skip N lines before trigger will fire, set param to # of lines to skip
      • Wait Waits a set amount of milliseconds before trigger will fire on matched pattern, set param to # of milliseconds to wait
      • Loop Pattern Trigger N # of times before moving to next trigger state, set param to # of times to match
      • Loop Lines Fire trigger within N # of lines of all matching lines, after N # lines advance state
      • Duration Will only fire if matched line arrives in the amount of time between the last state fired and the duration, set param to # of milliseconds
      • Within Lines Fire trigger with in N # of lines, if not triggered after N lines state advances to next state, set param to # of lines to match with in
      • Manual Manual state that is only fired using #SET command
      • ReParse Re-parse the last line using the new regular expression patterns, if pattern matches executes normally, if does not match it advances to next state
      • ReParse Pattern Re-parse the last line using the new zmud pattern, if pattern matches executes normally, if does not match it advances to next state
  • Name a unique name to identify the trigger, if more then one trigger exist with the name, the one with the highest priority is used first
  • Priority the sort order of triggers, if multi state trigger only the 0 state supports Priority
  • State if multi state trigger this sets the current state to begin triggering
  • Param parameters for the selected trigger type if supported
  • Verbatim the text is compared exactly how it is, including case
  • Temporary the trigger will be deleted on first execution
  • Case sensitive causes trigger to make sure letter cases are matched, eg A equal A and not a, off A equal a or A
  • Trigger on Newline this causes the trigger to execute if it is a full line of text
  • Trigger on Prompt this causes the trigger to execute if prompt/partial line of text.
  • Trigger on raw this causes the trigger to match the raw text of the line including any ansi escape codes, you can use \x1b or \u001b in pattern for escape code, eg \1x[0m would match the ansi bold sequence

Multi state triggers

Multi state triggers are an advanced form of triggers that let you chain or trigger based on multiple conditions, you can add as many states you like and rearrange them as needed and mix any of the supported trigger types. Each state is a full trigger allowing for total control on how each state will work, the Priority and State options only exist on the primary 0 state. You can edit each state by selecting the state you want to edit from the drop down menu from the pattern input box, this is also where you can rearrange patterns using the move up or down button for each displayed state. All disabled states will be skipped.

Temporary states will be removed from the trigger after being executed and shift all other states down, if last state the entire trigger will be removed as normal Temporary trigger


  • Preview - a preview of how the button will look
  • Enable enable/disable button
  • Caption The button caption to display for tooltip
  • Icon A path to an icon to display, may pick from build in icons or from a file - Predefined variables for paths
  • Style how the value is processed
    • Text send value as is
    • Parse do standard parsing
    • Script the value is javascript, it will evaluate and any thing returned will be sent to the mud. the value is wrapped as a function and any matched patterns are passed as arguments, use standard arguments[#] to access.
  • Value the value to send to the mud
  • Name allows accessing the button from javascript using $(#name)
  • Send to Mud send the value to the mud
  • Append to Command append value to the end of the command input
  • Daisy Chain this will append the value to the command line if it ends with a space then send the command line to the mud, if no space it will be handled as a standard macro and send the value.
  • Stretch icon this will cause the icon to be stretched and fill all space on a button


  • Preview - a preview of how the icon will look
  • Enable enable/disable context item
  • Caption The context menu caption to display for tooltip
  • Icon A path to an icon to display, may pick from build in icons or from a file - Predefined variables for paths
  • Style how the value is processed
    • Text send value as is
    • Parse do standard parsing
    • Script the value is javascript, it will evaluate and any thing returned will be sent to the mud. the value is wrapped as a function and any matched patterns are passed as arguments, use standard arguments[#] to access.
  • Value the value to send to the mud
  • Name labels the menu to allow assigning of submenu items
  • Parent set the parent menu item, either Name or global menu item index, Note: When set value can not be executed
  • Send to Mud send the value to the mud
  • Append to Command append value to the end of the command input
  • Daisy Chain this will append the value to the command line if it ends with a space then send the command line to the mud, if no space it will be handled as a standard macro and send the value.
  • Parse caption parse the caption using the command parser to allow predefined variables,functions or expressions if allowed