This package includes the prototype code for implementing spherical harmonic maps.
Harmonic maps between genus-0 surfaces are conformal. Thus, this code can be used for computing conformal maps from any genus-0 surface to a unit sphere.
In the root directory, run:
$ rm -r build
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
The program has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with g++ 5.4.0.
./main ../data/brain.obj output
The output is three files: star.obj tuette.obj and harmonic.obj. star is the initial map that projects all vertices onto the unit sphere. Tuette map is an intermidiate step. Harmonic map is the final result.
Gu, Xianfeng David. Computational conformal geometry. Edited by Shing-Tung Yau. Somerville, Mass, USA: International Press, 2008.
Please contact Liang Mi for any issues.