Simple timer for pomodoro technique
Usage: index Pomodoro cli - a simple pomodoro for terminal
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --shortbreak Add short break timer
-l, --longbreak Add long break timer
-t, --timer <time> Add specific time in minutes
-a, --add-task <task> Add a new task
-p, --play-sound <filepath> Play a sound file when the timer expires
--player-binary <name> System binary to use for playing sounds, default auto selects
--start-command <filepath> Execute a shell command ansynchronously at the start of the timer. WARNING: The command is passed directly to a shell with the same user permissions this program runs under -- use with caution!
--end-command <filepath> Execute a shell command ansynchronously at the end of the timer. WARNING: The command is passed directly to a shell with the same user permissions this program runs under -- use with caution!
--interrupt-command <filepath> Execute a shell command prior to exiting from a SIGINT signal. WARNING: The command is passed directly to a shell with the same user permissions this program runs under -- use with caution!
-c, --progress-color <color> Color of the progress bar, as a valid colors.js text color (default: "red")