Java support for non-standard extensions to the iCalendar and vCard format specifications.
iCal4j Extensions is a Java library that provides additional properties and parameters for iCalendar and vCard object models. These model extensions are implemented via the custom registry support in iCal4j.
This library also includes a collection of strategies for object model construction using opinionated fields designed to be more intuitive and easier to use.
To add support for extensions you may register the required factories with your CalendarBuilder instance:
CalendarParser parser = CalendarParserFactory.getInstance().createParser();
PropertyFactoryRegistry propertyFactoryRegistry = new PropertyFactoryRegistry();
propertyFactoryRegistry.register(WrTimezone.PROPERTY_NAME, WrTimezone.FACTORY);
propertyFactoryRegistry.register(WrCalName.PROPERTY_NAME, WrCalName.FACTORY);
ParameterFactoryRegistry parameterFactoryRegistry = new ParameterFactoryRegistry();
TimeZoneRegistry tzRegistry = TimeZoneRegistryFactory.getInstance().createRegistry();
builder = new CalendarBuilder(parser, propertyFactoryRegistry, parameterFactoryRegistry, tzRegistry);
iCal4j Extensions requires a minimum of Java 11.
draft-ietf-calext-eventpub-extensions - Event Publishing Extensions to iCalendar
draft-ietf-calext-valarm-extensions - VALARM Extensions for iCalendar
draft-apthorp-ical-tasks - Task Extensions to iCalendar
draft-ietf-calext-ical-relations - Support for iCalendar Relationships
draft-ietf-calext-icalendar-series - Support for Series in iCalendar
RFC6638 - Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV
RFC8607 - Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments