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Simple Computer In Verilog
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View Rendered README on Github https://github.com/ibraheemalayan/Simple_Computer_Verilog_Part_2
course project in the computer organization course (ENCS2380) at Birzeit University
👷 Ibraheem Alyan 1201180
👷 Hammam Khaled 1191081
CPU.v CPU module that can execute the 12 instructions
MEMORY.v a 384 byte memory (128 cells each is 3 bytes)
CLK_GEN.v a sample clock generator that inverts the clock signal each 5 ns (full cycle is 10 ns)
Test_Bench.v the test bench that connects the modules and is the top level file in the simulation
install Icarus Verilog and add its binaries to your shell path then run the following
git clone https://github.com/ibraheemalayan/Simple_Computer_Verilog_Part_2.git
cd Simple_Computer_Verilog_Part_2/modules
iverilog -o compiled_testbench.vvp Test_Bench.v
vvp compiled_testbench.vvp
Then you can read the output of the display statments
open the waves.vcd using a wave viewer (eg: GTKwave)
Visit the link of each simulation to view the Discussion, simulation text output, memory table view, memory loading code, and the high quality images links