Spring Boot Java 11 RESTful service with aggregation and date relationship in the domain model. Following DTO architecture pattern and MVC with a service layer. A simple order/customer API with C.R.U.D operations. This repo is focusing mainly on different REST test api frameworks and Spring test annotations. Spring Docs are being used for API documentation.
- @WebMVCTest
- @DataMongoTest
- @SpringBootTest
- REST-assured
- Testcontainers
When running the application of course :P
- Docker installation is required.
- The testcontainers.properties file must be modifed with the flag
on your local machine.
If you have a local installation or something running on port 27017 just make the application-dev.properties file point at your local mongodb or change the docker-compose.dev files port number. Else do this
- Start the mongo container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d
- Start the application with 'dev' spring profile active.
- Build the .jar file
mvn clean package
- Build the docker image.
docker build -t mangilaspringbootrestfulservice .
- Start docker compose
docker-compose up -d
- The poor man's production environment should be up and running :P