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Central CMS Historic DQM application

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Central Historic DQM application for CMS detector

A tool to display trends of CMS DQM quantities over long periods of time.
The web application is available here:
The code is running on a vocms0231 machine.

Usage instructions

How to run locally

The following instruction are completely copy-pastable. This will start a complete HDQM stack on your local (lxplus) environment. This is perfect for testing new plots before adding them. Instructions are are made for bash shell.

# Enter bash
# You have to change the username. From this point, all instruction can be copy pasted without modifications.
ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 -L 8080:localhost:5000 <YOUR_USER_NAME>
mkdir -p /tmp/$USER/hdqm
cd /tmp/$USER/hdqm/

git clone
cd CentralHDQM/

# Get an SSO to access OMS and RR APIs. This has to be done before cmsenv script
# First check if we are the owner of the folder where we'll be puting the cookie
if [ $(ls -ld /tmp/$USER/hdqm/CentralHDQM/backend/api/etc | awk '{ print $3 }') == $USER ]; then 
    cern-get-sso-cookie -u -o backend/api/etc/oms_sso_cookie.txt
    cern-get-sso-cookie -u -o backend/api/etc/rr_sso_cookie.txt

cd backend/
# This will give us a CMSSW environment
source cmsenv

# Add python dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .python_packages/python3
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t .python_packages/python2

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)/.python_packages/python2"

cd extractor/

# Extract few DQM histograms. Using only one process because we are on SQLite
./ -c cfg/PixelPhase1/trendPlotsPixelPhase1_tracks.ini -r 324997 324998 324999 325000 325001 325022 325057 325097 325098 325099 -j 1

# Calculate HDQM values from DQM histograms stored in the DB
./ -c cfg/PixelPhase1/trendPlotsPixelPhase1_tracks.ini -r 324997 324998 324999 325000 325001 325022 325057 325097 325098 325099 -j 1

# Get the OMS and RR data about the runs

cd ../api/
# Run the API
./ &>/dev/null &

cd ../../frontend/
# Use local API instead of the production one
sed -i 's/\/api/http:\/\/localhost:8080\/api/g' js/config.js
# Run the static file server
python3 -m http.server 8000 &>/dev/null &

# Run this to find pids of running servers to kill them:
# ps awwx | grep python

That's it! Now visit http://localhost:8000/ on your browser.

New ssh connection

If you have already successfully executed the instructions above and you want to keep working on the same deployment with new ssh connection, please follow the instructions bellow:

cd /tmp/$USER/hdqm/CentralHDQM/

if [ $(ls -ld /tmp/$USER/hdqm/CentralHDQM/backend/api/etc | awk '{ print $3 }') == $USER ]; then 
    cern-get-sso-cookie -u -o backend/api/etc/oms_sso_cookie.txt
    cern-get-sso-cookie -u -o backend/api/etc/rr_sso_cookie.txt

cd backend/
source cmsenv

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)/.python_packages/python2"

cd api/
./ &>/dev/null &

cd ../../frontend/
python3 -m http.server 8000 &>/dev/null &

Main HDQM commands explained

Main HDQM commands are the following:


This tool is responsible for extracting DQM monitor elements from ROOT files and storing them as binary data in the database. This is separated from HDQM value calculation to ensure that values can be recalculated quickly, without relying on a file system every time.

Argument Long name Default value Description
-r runs None A list of runs. Only MEs containing info of these runs will be extracted and saved. By default, MEs from all runs available in the given DQM files will be extracted.
-c config cfg/*/*.ini A list of .ini configuration files to be used. A pattern of a config file location is this: cfg/<SUBSYSTEM_NAME>/<ARBITRARY_NAME>.ini. This pattern must be followed without any additional folders in between. If a subsystem folder is missing, it can be created.
-f files EOS dir A list of DQM files to be used. This is very useful if you want to do HDQM on your custom set of DQM files. Files still need to follow DQM file naming conventions (must contain a run and a dataset name). Also this can be used to run HDQM on a subset of all DQM ROOT files available in EOS.
-j nprocs 50 Integer value indicating how many processes to use. When running locally (on SQLite) this has to be 1 because SQLite doesn't support multiple connections writing to the DB.

Default EOS directory for -f argument is this: /eos/cms/store/group/comm_dqm/DQMGUI_data/*/*/*/DQM*.root

This tool is responsible for reducing every DQM monitor element found in the database to a value that will be plotted, based on user defined metrics.

Argument Long name Default value Description
-r runs None A list of runs. HDQM values will be calculated only for MEs containing info of these runs. By default, HDQM will be calculated for all MEs that were extracted.
-c config cfg/*/*.ini A list of .ini configuration files to be used. A pattern of a config file location is this: cfg/<SUBSYSTEM_NAME>/<ARBITRARY_NAME>.ini. This pattern must be followed without any additional folders in between. If a subsystem folder is missing, it can be created.
-j nprocs 50 Integer value indicating how many processes to use. When running locally (on SQLite) this has to be 1 because SQLite doesn't support multiple connections writing to the DB.

Other tools

When new runs appear in the database, OMS and RR APIs need to be queried to find out if new runs need to be filtered out or not. For this, the following tools need to be executed, in this specific order:


If a big chuck of new data was recently extracted, there is a tool to prewarm the database for initial queries be fast:



To summarize, by default HDQM will be done on all data available in EOS and all configuration files available in cfg/. The parameters to HDQM tools can be helpful to limit this scope and only extract the required subset of the data or your own data altogether.

How to add new plots

In order to add new plots to HDQM, you have to provide two layers of configuration:

  1. backend configuration
  2. frontend configuration

Configuration is all in code and in order to add new plots you have to make a pull request against this repo:

Backend configuration

Backend is configured with .ini files that describe what monitor elements should be taken from the DQM .root files and how the value from the should be extracted for plotting.
These files are placed here, in a corresponding subsystem directory: backend/extractor/cfg/<subsystem>. This directory structure has to be preserved in order for the tool to work. If subsystem doesn't exist, a folder for it can be created.

Let's take a look at an example:

metric = basic.BinCount(2)
relativePath = PixelPhase1/Tracks/ntracks
plotTitle = Pixel number of tracks
yTitle = Number of Tracks in Pixel

That's all it takes to tell HDQM how to plot a DQM quantity over time. Let's break this down line by line.

  • The first line describes an ID of a plot that is unique per subsystem. This ID will be used to refer to this plot later on. This field is required.
  • metric property tells the tool what function needs to be called to reduce a DQM histogram to a single value that will be plotted. Think of this as of a constructor call of a Python class. Classes that can be used are defined here: backend/extractor/metrics/. If necessary, new python classes could be added. New classes have to provide a constructor with as many arguments as it's required to be referred to from the configuration and a calculate(self, histo) method that will be called by the backend. This function has to return a tuple of two values (value, error). For more details, refer to Adding new metric section bellow. This field is required.
  • relativePath is a path of a monitor element in a legacy DQM root file that a metric should be applied to. In case a path of a monitor element changed, you can provide multiple, space separated paths here. ME that is found the first will be used. This field is required.
  • plotTitle is a title of a plot that will be displayed in a web application. This value can contain spaces as it only has to be human readable. If this field is not provided, yTitle will be used instead. This field is not required.
  • yTitle is a title of y axis. It is usually used to display the units used in a plot. This field is required.

Those were the main properties, however there are other less common ones:

histo1Path = PixelPhase1/Phase1_MechanicalView/PXBarrel/num_clusters_PXLayer_2
histo2Path = PixelPhase1/Phase1_MechanicalView/PXBarrel/size_PXLayer_2
threshold = 50
  • Sometimes, a value of a point in a trend depends on more than one DQM histogram. In such cases histo1Path and histo2Path could be used to define the paths of the other histograms. These fields are not required.
  • threshold was used previously to define a minimum number of entries for a histogram to be taken into a trend. Now, this is no longer used, however this value can be wired in your custom Python extraction class. This field is not required.

Frontend configuration

In a frontend configuration you can define what is called display groups. Display groups define a list of related plots that will be displayed together in a web application, as an overlay.
The configuration is located here: frontend/js/displayConfig.js. All fields here are required!

Let's take a look at an example:

  name: "an_id_of_a_display_group",
  plot_title: "Nice, readable title of a group",
  y_title: "Units of all series in a group",
  subsystem: "<Subsystem>",
  correlation: false,
  series: ["plot1_ID", "plot2_ID"],

Let's break this down line by line.

  • name is an ID of a display group. It has to be unique within all display groups and regular plots within a subsystem.
  • plot_title is a title of a grouped plot that will be displayed in a web application.
  • y_title is a title of y axis of a grouped plot. It is usually used to display the units used in a plot.
  • subsystem is the name of the subsystem. It has to match exactly the name of the folder where backend configuration files came from (backend/extractor/cfg/<subsystem>).
  • correlation is a boolean value defining if the plot should be displayed in a correlation mode. This can be true only when there are exactly 2 series in a display group.
  • series is an array if plot ID from backend configuration that will appear in a display group.

Adding new metrics

In section we will look at how to add new metrics to the HDQM.

Create a new python file inside metrics directory:

vim backend/extractor/metrics/

Import BasicMetric and define your new class:

from basic import BaseMetric

class Mean(BaseMetric):
  def calculate(self, histo):
    return (histo.GetMean(), histo.GetMeanError())

histo is a full ROOT histogram, which, luckily, already provides getting its mean, so our implementation is very simple. Keep in mind that you always have to return a tuple of 2 numbers: value and error!

Also, all metrics have to inherit BasicMetric and implement calculate(self, histo) method

Now, add the new metric to the calculation script:

vim backend/extractor/

Import it:

from metrics import sampleMetrics

And add the new metric to the (already defined) METRICS_MAP:

METRICS_MAP = {'fits': fits, 'basic': basic, 'L1T_metrics': L1T_metrics, 'muon_metrics': muon_metrics, 'sampleMetrics': sampleMetrics}

Now, your newly added metric can be used in the .ini file like this:

metric = sampleMetrics.Mean()

In this definition we are essentially calling a constructor of sampleMetrics.Mean. If you need to pass parameters to the metric, you can define a constructor and pass parameters from the configuration files. For example:

from basic import BaseMetric

class BinCount(BaseMetric):
  def __init__(self,  binNr):
    self.__binNr = binNr
  def calculate(self, histo):    
    return (histo.GetBinContent(self.__binNr), 0)

This will be a trend of counts of first bin:

metric = sampleMetrics.BinCount(1)

Web application usage

In a web application, user has to select the data first by selecting a subsystem, primary dataset and a processing string at a very top of the page and all plots present in selected data will be displayed.

Runs can be filtered in one of the following ways:

  • Latest N runs
  • Run range
  • Comma separated list of runs
  • Golden JSON file

By clicking Options button, a display mode of the plots can be chosen. Available display modes are:

  • Scatter plot
  • Bin width proportional to run duration
  • Bin width proportional to integrated luminosity
  • Datetime plot based on start and end times of runs
  • Correlation plot

By clicking Show / Change ranges button a full screen mode of a plot will be entered. In a full screen mode you can do one of the following things:

  • Change the X and Y ranges of a plot
  • Click on runs (data points) and reveal more information about them in the right hand side panel
  • See the DQM histogram(s) that was used to extract the value of a trend in the right hand side panel
  • Look at a selected run in DQM GUI, OMS and Run Registry
  • Add or remove series from the plot dynamically by clicking Add series to this plot

API documentation

This very API is powering the web application. No other, hidden API services are used. The web page is all static - no server rendering.

All endpoints should be used by making an HTTP GET request and providing the arguments in the url.


  • /api/data
  • /api/selection
  • /api/plot_selection
  • /api/runs
  • /api/expand_url

Let's talk about each of them one by one.


This is the main endpoint used to retrieve historic DQM data.

Possible arguments:

Param Data type Required/Optional Description
subsystem string required Name of the subsystem. Possible values come from /api/selection endpoint.
pd string required Name of the primary dataset. Possible values come from /api/selection endpoint.
processing_string string required Name of the processing string. Possible values come from /api/selection endpoint.
from_run int required together with to_run. Both can be substituted with either runs or latest. Runs filter: lower bound.
to_run int required together with from_run. Both can be substituted with either runs or latest. Runs filter: upper bound.
runs array required but can be substituted with from_run, to_run or latest. Runs filter: comma separated list of runs to return data for.
latest int required but can be substituted with from_run, to_run or runs. Runs filter: return latest N runs.
series string optional Specific name of the series to return. If not specified, all series will be returned based on selection.
series_id int optional Specific series ID. IDs come from /api/plot_selection endpoint.

Keep in mind that runs can be filtered in 3 ways:

  • Range (from_run, to_run)
  • List of specific runs (runs)
  • Last N runs (latest)

Exactly one way must be used to filter out required runs.

Sample query: /api/data?subsystem=PixelPhase1&pd=SingleElectron&processing_string=09Aug2019_UL2017&latest=50


This endpoint returns a nested object of possible subsystem, primary dataset and processing string combinations. This endpoint takes no arguments.

Sample (shortened) response:



This endpoint is very similar to /api/selection, but it is one level deeper. It also includes the names and IDs of all available series. Names and IDs can be used to retrieve only required plots using series or series_id parameters in /api/data endpoint. This endpoint takes no arguments.

Sample (shortened) response:



This endpoint returns a list of all run numbers present in the HDQM database. This endpoint takes no arguments.


For performance reasons, DQM GUI URLs for each data point are not returned by the /api/data endpoint. However, the data point IDs are returned and using this endpoint they can be exchanged for an actual DQM GUI URL.

Possible arguments:

Param Data type Required/optional Description
data_point_id int required An ID referring to a single data point returned by the /api/data endpoint.
url_type string required Type of the DQM GUI URL required. All possible values are: main_gui_url, main_image_url, optional1_gui_url, optional1_image_url, optional2_gui_url, optional2_image_url, reference_gui_url, reference_image_url.

Administration instructions

Production service is running on a public port 80 and test service on 81. Production API server is running on internal port 5000 and test API service on 5001.

Before doing anything become the correct user:
sudo su cmsdqm

Code is located in /data/hdqm/ directory.

EOS and CVMFS file systems need to be accessible in order for the service to work. ROOT input files are coming EOS, and CMSSW release is comming from CVMFS.

Nginx configuration for a reverse proxy can be found here: /etc/nginx/conf.d/

Systemctl service for an API server can be found here: /etc/systemd/system/hdqm.service

Starting reverse proxy (nginx): sudo systemctl start nginx.service

Starting an API service:
sudo systemctl start hdqm.service

Packages are installed locally in backend/.python_packages/python2 and backend/.python_packages/python3 directories, for different python versions. Extractor and calculator are using python 2 as they rely on ROOT but an API Flask service is running on python 3. Make sure an appropriate python path is set before using the tools by hand. For example (running from backend directory):

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)/.python_packages/python2"

If nginx complains that it can't bind to port, make sure to request the ports to be opened in puppet:

And open them using SELinux: sudo semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 8081
Also important:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=81/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Make sure to make root directory accessible in SELinux:
chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /data/hdqmTest/CentralHDQM/frontend/
sudo chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /data/hdqm/

DB authentication information is placed in this file: backend/connection_string.txt, in the first line of said file, in this format: postgres://<DB_NAME>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT>/<USER>

API local setup instructions

Before running the API server there should be a backend/api/private/ folder containing these files:

  • userkey.pem - GRID certificate key file
  • usercert.pem - GRID certificate file

Instructions on how to retrieve the certificate and the key:

# Leave Import Password blank
# PEM passphrase is required to be set
openssl pkcs12 -in myCertificate.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out usercert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in myCertificate.p12 -nocerts -out userkey.tmp.pem
openssl rsa -in userkey.tmp.pem -out userkey.pem

How to get cern_cacert.pem

This CERN CA bundle is retreived from here:

Now, this file is used only for OMS requests.

Daily extraction

HDQM automatically extracts data from EOS on a daily basis. This is done using systemctl timer.
A timer hdqm-extract.timer launches hdqm-extract.service service every day. In order to stop the timer run:

sudo systemctl stop hdqm-extract.timer

To get info about a timer run one of these two commands:

sudo systemctl list-timers
sudo systemctl status hdqm-extract.timer

Show the log of the service:

sudo journalctl -u hdqm-extract

Service configuration files are located here: /etc/systemd/system/

EOS access

Extraction is performed on behalf of cmsdqm user because we need a user that would be in CERN.CH domain to access EOS file system

User credentials are stored in a keytab file. This file needs to be updated when the password changes. Bellow are the instructions on how to do that:

sudo su cmsdqm
# Keep in mind the capital letters - they are important!
add_entry -password -p cmsdqm@CERN.CH -k 1 -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
add_entry -password -p cmsdqm@CERN.CH -k 1 -e arcfour-hmac
write_kt /data/hdqm/.keytab
# Get the kerberos token. This will grant access to EOS
kinit -kt /data/hdqm/.keytab cmsdqm
# Make EOS aware of the new kerberos token
/usr/bin/eosfusebind -g
# Verify
klist -kte /data/hdqm/.keytab

More info about kerberos:

How to update

The following script will pull a latest version of the HDQM code from a repository. It will copy required secret files from private directory, and point current symlink to the newly created version.

ssh vocms0231
cd /data/hdqm
sudo su cmsdqm
sudo systemctl restart hdqm.service

How to rollback to the old version

In order to rollback to the previous version set current symlink to point to the required version folder (in the same directory) and restart the service:

cd /data/hdqm
ln -s -f -n <FOLDER_OF_THE_REQUIRED_VERSION> current
sudo systemctl restart hdqm.service


Central CMS Historic DQM application






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  • JavaScript 50.8%
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  • Makefile 0.3%
  • Shell 0.1%