Releases: ianyepan/wilmersdorf-emacs-theme
Releases · ianyepan/wilmersdorf-emacs-theme
Release v0.6.0 - Preparing for MELPA PR
In this release, wilmersdorf-theme added support for many popular packages, including tree-sitter, NeoTree, LaTeX, smart-mode-line (sml), and diff-hl.
The next iteration will contain more refined definitions of Magit colors, and by then a MELPA PR would be ready.
In the meanwhile, feel free to use doom-wilmersdorf, under the doom-themes package.
First release
Wilmersdorf theme has refined its support for helm, ivy, swiper, magit, term, company, gnus, rainbow-delimiters, org, ido, and various programming language modes. It is also featured in the doom-themes package for people who prefer to install packages from MELPA.