The Great Reading Adventure is a robust, open source software designed to manage library reading programs. The GRA is free to use, modify, and share. Check out for an overview of its functionality and capabilities.
This is the experimental in-development version of The Great Reading Adventure! Things probably don't work! Here there be dragons! 🐉
You probably want to be over at the main GitHub page for the latest release version: 3.1.0 🚀.
You can visit the Great Reading Adventure Forum for the following:
- Help with installation
- Assistance with configuration and using the GRA
- Reporting errors
- Suggesting new features
Windows build:
Linux/macOS builds:
Version 4 of The Great Reading Adventure is developed in the Microsoft .NET Core Platform. Some developer documentation can be found in the project.
The Great Reading Adventure source code is distributed under The MIT License. For other included packages, please see the file.
The Great Reading Adventure was initially developed by the Maricopa County Library District with support by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.