Built with .NET 6.0 and the goodness of MudBlazor Component Library. Incorporates the most essential Packages your projects will ever need. Follows Clean Architecture Principles.
The goal of this repository is to help developers / companies kickstart their Web Application Development with a pre-built Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate that includes several much needed components and features.
Note that this is a frontend / client application only! The backend for this application is available in a seperate repository.
- Find fullstackhero's .NET 6 Web API Boilerplate here - https://github.com/fullstackhero/dotnet-webapi-boilerplate
- Make sure you have the API Running. Here is FSH Backend - https://github.com/fullstackhero/dotnet-webapi-boilerplate
- Once fullstackhero's .NET 6 Web API is up and running, run the Blazor WebAssembly Project to consume it's services.
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- Facebook Page @codewithmukesh
- Youtube Channel @codewithmukesh
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This project is licensed with the MIT license.
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