This project intends to facilitate the creation of org.apache.http.client.CloseableHttpClient
, allowing things like
- Mock external requests made by clients like
- Testing your
app viaclj-http
- Should conform to these specs:
- Add to your
deps.edn {:git/url ""
:sha "8d9ab357dbb08281d3be585d2d4d116dec79be1a"}
- Require it
(require '[ :refer [->http-client]])
Let's suppose that you have an function that call's an external API via clj-http
You can easily test this function by passing an http-client
for it.
In "production", you can call (check-token nil "...")
. clj-http
will use its default http-client
in this case.
#_(require '[clj-http.client :as client]
'[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
'[ :as json]
'[clojure.string :as string]
'[ :refer [->http-client]])
(defn check-token
[http-client token]
(let [response (client/get (str "" token)
{:http-client http-client
:as :json})]
(get-in response [:body :is_valid])))
(deftest check-token-example
(let [mock-api-handler (fn [{:keys [query-string]}]
(if-let [token (second (re-find #"token=([a-z]+)"
{:body (json/write-str {:is_valid (string/includes? token "b")})
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:status 200}
;; missing query
{:status 400}))
http-client (->http-client mock-api-handler)]
(is (true? (check-token http-client "abc")))
(is (false? (check-token http-client "efd")))
(is (= "clj-http: status 400"
(check-token http-client "123")
(catch Throwable ex
(ex-message ex)))))))
If you develop an ring-app and start it like this:
(defn -main []
(run-server app-handler {... :port ...}))
Now you can test your app like this:
(deftest api-test
(let [http-client (->http-client app-handler)]
(is (= 200
(:status (client/get "https://app-handler/my-method" {:http-client http-client}))))))
Some things like the https scheme, port and hostname may not make sense in this case. So you can use any value
But in an ring server that listen many ports with many hosts, it will be a good idea.
in tests
(require '[ :refer [->http-client]])
(->http-client (fn [req]
{:status 200
:body "mocked response"}))
SHA: 8d9ab357dbb08281d3be585d2d4d116dec79be1a => add retry-fn on mock.