Fast Web/HTTP checker using its own custom list of web ports (e.g. 80,443,8080,8008 and lots,lots more) use by different technologies identified from various testing engagements. It takes a list of domains and checks for running web service at different ports. Only domains with running web service (active) will be returned.
echo '' | ruaweb
cat domains.txt | ruaweb
Number of threads can be set using the -threads flag. It uses 5 threads by default.
cat domains.txt | ruaweb -threads 30
Connectivity time out can be specified using the -timeout flag in seconds. It uses 1 second by default.
cat domains.txt | ruaweb -threads 30 -timeout 5
The results are displayed as standard output. It returns the URL including the identified protocol(http/https),port used, status code, http title and server if available.
echo '' | ruaweb, 200, "GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub",
Part of Beanscan Suite of tools. See beanscan repository.