Pink Diary is a personalised period tracking app which provides the following functionality:
- Home page - On the homepage user can view the calendar on which the period dates are marked in red, and the predicted dates of periods are marked in pink colour. The user can track their cycle here.
- Log symptoms - User can log symptoms such as their menstrual flow, sexual activity, pain and mood.
- Chatbot - It guides the user, gives advice, and also diagnose period problems. Like if the user logs pain, the chatbot will pop up and try to diagnose if it's serious or not. One example can be seen in the attached gif.
- Help Button - User can ask for help from the nearby user, which is displayed on the webpage the user just has to press the "notify user " button and the corresponding user will be notified.
The app is built using MERN stack, the flow of control can be described from the following flow chart.
Clone/ Download the repo and then run the following commands
- cd (pink-diary)
- npm -i
- cd client
- npm -i
- cd ..
- npm run dev