Implementation of Algorithm and Data Structure in python , A brillant course by Coding Ninjas
Recursion is majorly divided into 3 parts : Recursion-1 (Recursion with list/array) Recursion-2 (Recursion with strings) Recursion-3(Mixed problems) Check whether number is present or not in listSum of the all the elements in a list
Calculate the power of the number
Check if list is sorted or not ?
Calculate factorial
Check if list is sorted or not ? - Optimized
First occurance of a number
Last occurance of a number
Sum of n-natural numbers
Binary Search
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Tower of Hanoi
Replace occurance of word "pi" to 3.14
Remove duplicates
Remove X
Recursion with Strings
Staircase problem
Sum of the digits of a number
String to Integer
Pair Star
Multiplication using recursion
Geometric Sum
Count zero in given Interger
Check if a given String S is palindrome or not
Linked List operation Iterative
Linked List operation Recursive