This is a Data Analysis project on a dataset from Fandango website using python.
Fandango is the ultimate digital network for all things movies and TV, serving more than 50 million unique visitors per month, according to comScore, with best-in-class movie and TV information, movie ticketing, trailers and original video, and home entertainment. Its portfolio features leading online ticketers Fandango, and Flixster; world-renowned entertainment review site Rotten Tomatoes; and Movieclips, the #1 movie trailers and content channel on YouTube.
Here is one interesting article about this website Be Suspicious Of Online Movie Ratings, Especially Fandango’s
Based on above article, Let's explore the dataset of Fandango website and try to find about the variations in ratings. And let's determine if Fandango's ratings had a bias towards rating movies better to sell more tickets.
The dataset is available at
- Data analysis using Python libraries - Pandas,Numpy,matplotlib,Seaborn,etc.
- Comparing FANDANGO data with other movie sites : RottenTomatoes, Metacritic and IMDB.
- Gaining insights in the data to support findings.
- Making conclusion based on the findings.