current status : Building core logic and problem solving using C++ via console app later transitioning into larger frameworks.
Modularizing files and codes : trip.h: Contains function declarations for validating dates, budgets, trimming, loading, and saving trips. trip.cpp: Implements the declared functions. main.cpp: Handles user interaction and uses the modularized functions from trip.h DateUtils.h , DateUtils.cpp : Handle date validation and processing
Features/ Functioning being implemented to basic version of Travel Planner are as below :
- General Details (Place , Travel Date, budget) input with validation of trav date and budget
- Multiple trip entries ( saving and storing in a file) for future reference
Tasks I am working in parallel : Task 2.4 Basic Travel Planner Features:
- Implemented basic trip management functionalities,
- including adding and displaying trips.
- Worked on displaying a summary of all trips.
- Fixed the leading space issue in the display of trip details.
Task 2.5 Advanced Features and Enhancements
- Search and Filter Trips:
- Trip Deletion or Editing:
- Sort Trips:
- Add Total Budget Calculation:
- Budget Alerts: