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INAV Configurator 8.0.0 RC4

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@mmosca mmosca released this 12 Jan 20:11
· 92 commits to master since this release

INAV 8.0 "Gallant Goshawk"

This version of INAV Configurator is intended to be used only with INAV firmware 8.x. Do not use with different INAV versions!

Very important!!

We currently don't have access to an Apple Developer Account to sign the Mac binaries, so you will need to run the following command on MacOS to unlock the configurator App: xattr -cr /path/to/your/INAV

This release of INAV Configurator no longer supports Windows 7.

This release of INAV Configurator works only with INAV 8! It will not connect to any other INAV version at all!

A lot has changed behind the scenes in configurator 8.0, as we upgraded a lot of libraries and internal thingmabobs that make it go! Overall it should be a bit snappier and now we ship universal binaries for MacOS!

Known Issues in 8.0 RC4

  • There were some reports of vertical oscilations in the previous RC that have a possible fix in RC4. If you were having issues before, please test and report!

Have a look at INAV release 8.0 notes for an overview of the new INAV features!

Important Configurator Changes:

New Setup Wizard

After selecting an Aircraft preset, Configurator will now start a simple Setup Wizard to allow pilots to set up some basic settings like the Receiver Serial port and Protocol as well as the GPS Port and Protocol. Further Options could be included in future updates. #1537 and #2112

Cleanup and Reorganization of settings

  • More work was done to distribute settings better into more logical panels. GPS related settings, including the COM Port, are now all in the GPS tab and can be accessed on a single page #2004
  • USB-VCP option was removed from Ports tab as the MSP Functionality over USB should never be disabled #1990
  • The Ports tab can now automatically fix some invalid configurations to prevent a complete reset of all port settings #2006

ADSB Support in Mission Control

It is now possible to connect an ADSB receiver to your flight controller and get OSD Warnings if any ADSB enabled, usually GA Aircraft, are close by. INAV Configurator can now show these Aircraft on the map for additional safety of UAV flights. More Details

Copy and Paste of OSD Layout pages

It is now possible to copy a complete Page layout and paste it into another OSD Page. This allows a much faster setup of multiple OSD pages that have only minor incremental differences. For example a clean layout with less elements but existing elements on the same locations as the full layout. #2028

U-Blox AssistNow Support in INAV Configurator

AssistNow is a Service that provides GPS Satellite information data for offline-applications, to dramatically increase the time to fix for GPS Devices. By Providing your own AssistNow Token, INAV Configurator can automatically download the latest data set and transfer it to any connected INAV UAV. With this, a GPS fix after cold start should merely take seconds instead of minutes. This is especially helpful for people who go fly with a big fleet of aircraft. More Details

Up to 34 Channel support

INAV 8 now supports the SBUS2 Protocol that can provide up to 34 RC channels. Configurator is now reflecting all 34 channels in the Receiver Tab and also in the Programming Framework. On Builds that have receivers with less available channels, these additional ones can still be used internally in INAV for some Programming functions or gimbal controls. #2177 and #2156

Enhance OSD Custom Elements

Custom OSD Elements have been updated for more customization options and easier setup. This allows pilots to set up their own OSD elements, that are not available in INAV and these can use data from various sources like sensors or from the Programming Framework. iNavFlight/inav#10282

INAV now speaks multiple languages

We have merged a few languages into INAV 8.0. They are all community contributed translations and feedback on the actual translations is appreciated.

Please report any wrong or missing translations so we can continually improve and expand the available languages.

Basic INAV 7 to INAV 8 firmware update procedure

  1. Use INAV Configurator 7 CLI to make a diff of the current configuration
  2. Store the diff output
  3. Download INAV Configurator 8 and flash INAV 8 firmware with FULL CHIP ERASE
  4. Connect with INAV Configurator and restore the diff with the CLI tab

Check the firmware release notes for specific details of changes.

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Full Changelog: 7.1.2...8.0.0-RC4