Leader board for teamcity based on Siren of shame.
When a build succeeds you get 1 point when a build fails you lose 4 points.
When you reached x number of successful builds in a row you achieve badges: if you want to add achievements just edit the Accomplishments.js file in the lib folder
- Redis database
- Node.js
- teamcity
- webhooks plugin for teamcity
- optional: for every mail adres of the users in teamcity a gravatar image.
Change the default.json.example in the config folder according to your configuration and rename it to default.json
run following command 'npm install' all dependencies will be installed.
deploy to heroku (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs)
install webhooks plugin in teamcity (http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tcplugins/wiki/TcWebHooks)
configure webhooks in project settings with following settings:
- url: the url to your heroku app
- On completion: trigger when build is Successfull, trigger when build fails
- payload format: Json
- Builds check all