This project contains the rules to integrate two AML files using a cannonical model and rules written in ProLog - Rules4AMLIntegrator.
This tool depends on the following software
- Prolog 7.2.3
- JDK 1.8
- Prolog Connector 3.1.2
- Hermit OWL Reasoner
Download Prolog: Donwload Prolog Connector: Donwload Hermit OWL Reasoner: Donwload OWL API:
The quick and easy way to start compiling, running and coding Rules4AMLIntegrator we provide a java project in Eclipse and we a Prolog Connector. Thus, you need to install tools:
- Eclipse IDE:
In windows you need to add the following entries system PATH
$ C:\Program Files\swipl\bin; C:\Program Files\swipl\lib\jpl.jar; C:\PrologConnectorJarFolder\org.cs3.prolog.connector_3.1.2.201504300958.jar;
To obtain the latest version of the project please clone the github repository
$ git clone
Make sure to add resources/ and libs/ folder to your build path.
To run the examples please create a file config.ttl in the main directory of the project. An example is show below:
@prefix aml: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix uri: <>
rdfs:label "General Configuration"@en ;
uri:path "C:/HeterogeneityExampleData/AutomationML/Single-Heterogeneity/M2/Testbeds-2/";
uri:experimentFolder "E:/ExperimentsToKCAP/Experiment1/run -1/";
sto:Standard "aml";
ontosec:Training "false";
uri:NegativeRules "true";
uri:URI "C:/Experiments/SemCPS-/resources/".
Please note:
uri:path refers to Heterogeneity path
uri:URI refers to the ontology path
Negative rules true to user orignal.
false to use emulation.
Just give path of AML heterogenity and folders will be created automatically.
## Updating Krextor Rules
### What is Krextor?
Krextor is a an extensible XSLT-based framework for extracting RDF from XML.
Read more at :
Please navigate to /resources/amlrules/aml.xsl
Here you can update, remove or add rules for RDF conversion.
## License
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 EIS Uni-Bonn
* Licensed under the Apache License