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End-to-end AWS-hosted data engineering pipeline, supporting both batch and stream processing using Pinterest's experiment processing pipeline.

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Pinterest Data Pipeline

Pipeline Architecture

Data Pipeline Architecture

Table of Contents


The purpose of this project is to build an end-to-end AWS-hosted data engineering pipeline, supporting both batch and stream processing using pinterest's experiment processing pipeline.

Batch Processing

  • Extract the experimental data from an RDS database containing the 3 pinterest tables (pinterest_data, geolocation_data and user_data).
  • Setup an EC2 instance with kafka and Kafka REST Proxy installed to produce messages to AWS MSK cluster.
  • Create an S3 bucket to store data.
  • Create an AWS MSK cluster with an S3 endpoint to distribute data from a REST API to an S3 Data Lake.
  • Create 3 kafka topics corresponding to the 3 RDS tables.
  • Create a REST API using API Gateway to send data via a POST request to 3 kafka topics.
  • Extract the batch data from S3 then clean & transform it in Databricks using spark queries.
  • Create a DAG using Airflow and upload it a AWS MWAA environment to periodically trigger the Databricks notebook for batch processing.

Stream Processing

  • Create 3 Kinesis data streams corresponding to the 3 pinterest tables to collect, process, and analyze data streams in real time.
  • Configure the previous REST API to allow it to invoke Kineses actions.
  • Send data to the Kinesis streams using the REST API.
  • Read the data from the Kinesis streams within a Databricks Notebook, create streaming dataframes for the each of the 3 Kinesis data streams and transform the data using spark queries.
  • Write each stream to a Delta Table.

EC2 Client Configuration

  • Step 1: Create an EC2 instance.

    • On the AWS console create a EC2 instance.
    • Create a key-par with a .pem file format, save it locally.
    • SSH into the EC2 instance.
  • Step 2: Install kafka on EC2.

    • If java is not installed, install it:

      • sudo yum install java-1.8.0
    • Download and install kafka:

      • wget
      • tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.8.1.tgz
    • The kafka_installation_folder should now be visible in the /home directory.

  • Step 3: Setup IAM Authentication on the EC2 to produce messages to the AWS MSK cluster. This package is necessary to connect to AWS MSK clusters that require IAM Authentication.

    • Navigate to the kafka_installation_folder/libs directory and install the IAM Authentication package:
      • wget
  • Step 4: Configure the EC2 kafka client to use AWS IAM.

    • Navigate to the kafka_installation_folder/bin and edit the file to include the awsRoleArn which can be found in the AWS console for the IAM that was created for this EC2 instance:

      # Sets up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
      security.protocol = SASL_SSL
      # Identifies the SASL mechanism to use.
      sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM
      # Binds SASL client implementation.
      sasl.jaas.config = required awsRoleArn="Your Access Role";
      # Encapsulates constructing a SigV4 signature based on extracted credentials.
      # The SASL client bound by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
      sasl.client.callback.handler.class =

AWS MSK Configuration

  • Step 1: Create an AWS MSK cluster if not created and navigate to the AWS MSK dashboard on the AWS console to extract from the cluster:

    • Bootstrap servers string
    • Plaintext Apache Zookeeper connection string
  • Step 2: On the EC2 kafka client create 3 kafka topics (Be consistent with the naming schema).

    • A topic for pinterest_data
    • A topic for geolocation_data
    • A topic for user_data
  • Step 3: Create an S3 bucket. Here all data passing through the kafka topics will be exported to the designated bucket.

  • Step 4: Create a custom plugin.

    • This plugin will contain the code that defines the logic of our connector:

      # assume admin user privileges
      sudo -u ec2-user -i
      # create directory where we will save our connector 
      mkdir kafka-connect-s3 && cd kafka-connect-s3
      # download connector from Confluent
      # copy connector to our S3 bucket
      aws s3 cp ./ s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/kafka-connect-s3/

You should find the uploaded file within the S3 bucket

confluent connector

  • Step 5: Create a connector to write to the bucket.

    • Select the previously created plugin and configure the Connector configuration settings template below accordingly.

      # same region as our bucket and cluster
      # include nomenclature of topic name, given here as an example will read all data from topic names starting with msk.topic....

Configure a REST API in API Gateway

  • Step 1: Create a REST API via API Gateway with a proxy resource. By creating a proxy resource with the {proxy+} parameter and the ANY method, you can provide your integration with access to all available resources.

Proxy Integration

  • Step 2: For the proxy resource, create a HTTP ANY method. For the Endpoint URL, it should include the public ipv4 DNS of the EC2 kafka client with the following format: http://KafkaClientEC2InstancePublicDNS:8082/{proxy}

  • Step 3: Deploy the API and make note of the Invoke URL.

Configure REST proxy on EC2 client

The endpoint URL

  • Step 1: Install confluent REST:

    • sudo wget
    • tar -xvzf confluent-7.2.0.tar.gz
  • Step 2: Modify the file.

    • Navigate to confluent-7.2.0/etc/kafka-rest and modify the file similar to the file, however this time add "client." before each of the 4 variables. To allow communication between the REST proxy and the cluster brokers, all configurations should be prefixed with "client.".

    • Modify the zookeeper.connect and bootstrap.severs variables in the file, these were obtained during the AWS MSK Configuration section.

  • Step 4: Messages can now be produced to the kafka cluster by navigating to the confluent-7.2.0/bin directory and running:

    ./kafka-rest-start /home/ec2-user/confluent-7.2.0/etc/kafka-rest/

  • Step 5: Run the Batch Data Script. This script sends data from the 3 tables to their corresponding Kafka topics. Data passing through the AWS MSK cluster should be falling into the S3 bucket.

Topic S3 Bucket

Data Processing on Databricks

Using Databricks, we can provision a cluster running Apache Spark to run spark queries for data transformations. See Batch Processing Notebook and Stream Processing Notebook for a comprehensive guide.

Batch Processing: Databricks

  • Step 1: Create a Databricks Notebook for batch processing and read the AWS Credentials that have been uploaded to a Databricks Delta Table and mount the S3 bucket to Databricks.

    aws_keys_df ="delta").load(delta_table_path)
    # Get the AWS access key and secret key from the spark dataframe
    ACCESS_KEY ='Access key ID').collect()[0]['Access key ID']
    SECRET_KEY ='Secret access key').collect()[0]['Secret access key']
    # Mount the drive (RUN ONLY ONCE!)
    # dbutils command is supported only with databricks ecosystem.
    dbutils.fs.mount(SOURCE_URL, MOUNT_NAME)
  • Step 2: Data cleaning. Performing necessary transformations of the dataframes. Example using the pinterest_data dataframe.

    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("description", when(col("description").contains("No description available"), "None").otherwise(col("description")))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("image_src", when(col("image_src").contains("Image src error"), "None").otherwise(col("image_src")))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("follower_count", when(col("follower_count").contains("User Info Error"), "None").otherwise(col("follower_count")))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("follower_count", regexp_replace(df_pin["follower_count"], "M", "000000"))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("follower_count", regexp_replace(df_pin["follower_count"], "k", "000"))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("downloaded",col("downloaded").cast("int"))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("follower_count",col("follower_count").cast("int"))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumn("index",col("index").cast("int"))
    df_pin = df_pin.withColumnRenamed("index","ind")
    df_pin ="ind", "unique_id", "title", "description", "follower_count", "poster_name", "tag_list", "is_image_or_video", "image_src", "save_location", "category")

Pinterest Data Dataframe

  • Most popular annual category:

    result= spark.sql("""SELECT 
                            post_year, category, category_count
                        FROM (
                                year(timestamp) as post_year, category, count(*) as category_count,
                                DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION by year(timestamp) ORDER BY count(*) DESC) AS ranking
                            FROM geo
                            JOIN pin 
                            ON geo.ind = pin.ind
                            GROUP BY year(timestamp), category
                        where ranking = 1"""

Most Popular Annual Category

  • Most popular category based on age group:

    result = spark.sql("""WITH CTE AS (
                            age_group, category, category_count,
                            DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY age_group ORDER BY category_count DESC) AS ranking
                        FROM (
                                    WHEN age BETWEEN 18 AND 24 THEN "18-24"
                                    WHEN age BETWEEN 25 AND 35 THEN "25-35"
                                    WHEN age BETWEEN 36 AND 50 THEN "36-50"
                                    WHEN age > 50 THEN "50+"
                                    --ELSE "NONE" 
                                END AS age_group,
                                COUNT(*) AS category_count
                            FROM user
                            JOIN pin ON pin.ind = user.ind
                            GROUP BY age_group, category
                        age_group, category, category_count
                    FROM CTE
                    WHERE ranking = 1"""

Most Popular Category Based on Age

  • Step 3: Create a DAG using Airflow and upload it a AWS MWAA environment to periodically trigger the Databricks notebook for batch processing. See Airflow DAG

Airflow DAG Schedule

Stream Processing: Databricks

  • Step 1: Navigate to the AWS Kinesis dashboard on the AWS console and select Kinesis Data Streams. Create 3 data streams, one for each table.

Created Data Streams

  • Step 2: Configure the REST API created in the previous steps to allow for `Kinesis Proxy integration. Under the streams resource create a new child resource with the Resource name {stream-name}. The configuration should look like this:

Kinesis Proxy Integration

  • Step 3: Run the Streaming Data Script. This script sends a PUT requests to the API, which adds one record at a time to the 3 Kinesis streams, one for each pinterest table.

  • Step 4: Create a Databricks Notebook for stream processing and read the AWS Credentials that have been uploaded to a Databrick Delta Table.

  • Step 5: Create a streaming dataframe for structured streaming events by reading in the data from Kinesis streams.

    • Example: Use the readstream method to create a dataframe for the pinterest data stream.

      df_pin = spark \
      .readStream \
      .format('kinesis') \
      .option('streamName','streaming-12f6b2c1ae4f-pin') \
      .option('initialPosition','earliest') \
      .option('region','us-east-1') \
      .option('awsAccessKey', ACCESS_KEY) \
      .option('awsSecretKey', SECRET_KEY) \
  • Step 6: Define the streaming schema for the 3 data streams.

    • A schema can be defined using the StructType and StructField classes, as well as related classes from the pyspark.sql.types module.

      streaming_schema = StructType([
      StructField("field1", StringType(), True),
      StructField("field2", IntegerType(), True),
      StructField("field3", TimestampType(), True),
      # Add more fields as needed
  • Step 7: Data cleaning. Performing necessary transformations of the dataframes as done in the Batch Processing: Databricks section.

  • Step 8: Write the streams to a Databricks Delta Table.

    • Example: Use the writestream method to store the pinterest data stream to a Delta Table.

      df.writeStream \
      .format("delta") \
      .outputMode("append") \
      .option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/kinesis/_checkpoints/") \

You should be able to see the created table, its schema and the streaming data that has been stored inside it.

Delta Tables

  • Sample Data from the pinterest post stream.



End-to-end AWS-hosted data engineering pipeline, supporting both batch and stream processing using Pinterest's experiment processing pipeline.






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