I’m currently working on low level stuff
I’m currently learning High-Performance Computing, Low-Level Systems Development, Computer Graphics
I write articles at https://www.phasetw0.com/
Ask me about C, Windows API, Networking
How to reach me - hypervis0r@phasetw0.com or @hypervisor on Discord
I do music development, and 3D modeling (ish)
BSODConfigure | Modifying the Blue Screen of Death color post-Win8. |
Optimizing GetProcAddress | Boosting performance of the WinAPI function GetProcAddress using hash tables. |
ReadWriteProcessMemoryDriver | Reading and writing process memory from kernel mode. |
ProcessHollowing | Experimenting with a common malware technique involving code injection. |
Ballgag | Clearing Windows Event Logs without the use of wevtutil.exe . |
Kernel | A tiny experimental "kernel" and x86 BIOS bootloader |
NtfsReader | An improved fork of the NtfsReader package for C#, boosting performance and usability. |
ScreenCap_Experiments | Hardware-accelerated Windows screen sharing in C++ |
NsaProductGenerator | Generating NSA TAO names using Python. |
GPTReader | An experiment involving reading the GUID partition tables (GPT) using WinAPI. |
DominosKiller | A tool used to shut down a Dominos Pizza™ establishment by spamming them with orders. T̶h̶e̴y̷ ̷w̸i̴l̸l̴ ̴f̶e̶e̵l̴ ̵m̴y̴ ̴w̸r̶a̵t̷h̵. |
CSharpSafeEvaluation | An experiment involving secure dynamic C# code evaluation |
[.NET 6.0] List<T>: Any vs Exists vs Contains | Comparing the performance of common List<T> operations |