A Python wrapper for the Hyperpublic REST API
cd hyperpublic_python/
python setup.py install
###Working with Places from hyperpublic import *
#find a single place by ID
place = hp.places.find("4dd53bffe2f2d70816000001")
#find places by a query
places = hp.places.find(q="chicken")
#find places by a location
places = hp.places.find(address="416 w 13th st, New York")
#find places by multiple criteria
places = hp.places.find(category ="food", postal_code= 10012)
#create a place
place=hp.places.create(display_name = "Hyperpublic HQ",
tags =["place_tag1", "place_tag2"],
phone_number = "2124857375",
website = "www.hyperpublic.com",
category_id = "4e274d89bd0286830f000170",
address = "416 w 13th st, New York, NY 10012",
lat = 40.7405,
lon = -74.007)
##Working with Geodeals & Events hp=Hyperpublic("YOUR_CLIENT_ID","YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET")
# find a single offer by ID
offer = hp.offers.show("4e5e66f9a7ecee0001027a7b")
# find offers by a query
offers = hp.offers.find(q="bowling")
# find offers by a location
offers = hp.offers.find(lat =40.7, lon =-74.0)
# find offers by multiple criteria
offers = hp.offers.find(source ="buywithme", price_min = 10, limit = 5)
###Working with Categories #get a list of categories hp=Hyperpublic("YOUR_CLIENT_ID","YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET") categories=hp.categories.find()
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