Widgeo provides easy access to the worlds territories and their continents.
Include Widgeo in your Gemfile, gem "widgeo", require: true
and run bundle install
Provides a list of all items.
For a list of continents:
continents = Widgeo::Continent.all
and all territories:
territories = Widgeo::Territory.all
Allows for filtering a list of items.
For a filtered list of territories in the EU:
territories = Widgeo::Territories.filter_by continent_alpha_2: "EU"
Provides a single item matching a specified property and value.
To find a continent by code:
continent = Continent.find_by :alpha_2, "EU"
To find a territory by name:
continent = Territory.find_by :name, "France"
All properties of an item are accessible via a getter.
Continents respond to #name
and #alpha_2
Territories respond to #name
, #long_name
, #alpha_2
, #continent_alpha_2
, #continent
. Continent provides an instance of the parent Continent.
The gem is tested with Rspec. You can run the tests with bundle exec rake spec