Simple python AIML chatbot for basic weather information.
This was created for the purpose of a course
final project for SI 106 at the University of Michigan.
We were given the boilerplate aiml to build upon our 'bot'.
Please refer to the 'spec.pdf' file for project specifications. is able to respond to the following prompts (case non-sensitive): <br>
- 'What's the weather like in {city}?' <br>
- 'Is it going to rain in {city} this week?' <br>
- 'How {hot/cold} will it get in {city} this week?' <br>
- 'Is it going to rain in {city} today?' <br>
While running, Chatbot will notify you when an internet
connection has been compromised. When your device loses
internet connection, it will tell you that all prompts
thereafter will depend solely on cached responses. is built on Python 2.7! imports aiml, os, requests, json, time, socket,
and a locally set 'cache.json' file.
It utilizes a GET request call to Google Geocoding API
to capture city geocodes and Dark Sky API to capture
weather data.
Some of the AIML files were modified by the Faculty and
Staff at the School of Information of SI106.
I do not own any rights to any of the AIML files included
in this project.
PyAIML -- The Python AIML Interpreter
Original Author: Cort Stratton (
PyAIML is an interpreter for AIML
(the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language), implemented
entirely in standard Python. It strives for simple, austere,
100% compliance with the AIML 1.0.1 standard, no less and no more.
Standard calls with a sample full request URL:
Dark Sky's API calls are slightly cumbersom in that the
URL's must be manually modified to get the responses.
Standard calls with a sample full request URL:
Simply fork and/or download the repo and run Terminal.
If zipped, unzip it and travel to the folder location.
for example you can type in Terminal, "cd ~/Desktop"
On any text editor of your choice, open up ''
replace the 'apik1' and 'apik2' values as per your own API Keys
for both API services.
For an API for Google, you must have a Google account, then
go to "" and activate the
Geocoding API on your account, then register for an API Key.
You can register for a Dark Sky account for the API Key here:
Once within the project folder, type in Terminal,
"python" to start
Calculating Rain Probabilities:
- There is a section on this calculation on the 'spec.pdf'
if you are a student at the University of Michigan and are
looking to refer to my written code, remember not to copy
and paste. And by downloading or even referring to my code,
you agree to take all responsibility with our school's
academic integrity guidelines. Simply put, its your fault
if you get caught cheating; not mine. :)