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react redux framework with easily removable examples


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Framework V3

A more comprehensible react-redux framework. not isomorphic :D


  1. Edit package.json:
  • change "name"
  • change "description"
  1. Download & install dependencies: npm install

  2. Delete examples:

  • /src/example/
  • /src/example2/
  • /src/routes.js: /* examples */ ... /* end examples */
  • /src/reducer.js: /* examples */ ... /* end examples */


  1. Start a dev server: npm start

  2. Load in browser: http://localhost:3000

  3. Edit sources in /src

Production Build

  1. Compile bundle.js (and other assets) to /public/static/: npm run build

  2. Host the public/ directory (eg. drag it into netlify or surge .)

About the dependencies

Manage javascript dependencies with import and export

    "webpack": "^3.4.1",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^2.6.1",

Write beautiful futuristic javascript

    "babel-core": "^6.25.0",
    "babel-eslint": "^7.2.3",
    "babel-loader": "^7.1.1",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
    "babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1",
    "babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.24.1",
    "babel-register": "^6.24.1",

CSS and image dependencies in javascript code

    "file-loader": "^1.0.0",
    "url-loader": "^0.5.9",
    "style-loader": "^0.18.2",
    "css-loader": "^0.28.4",
    "postcss-loader": "^2.0.6",
    "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.0",

Forget about browser compatibility

    "autoprefixer": "^7.1.2",
    "normalize.css": "^7.0.0"

Goodbye XMLHTTPRequest

    "isomorphic-fetch": "2.2.1",

Use the Flux paradigm

    "redux": "^3.7.2",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.2.0",
    "reselect": "^3.0.1",

Write reusable reactive web components

    "react": "^15.6.1",
    "react-dom": "^15.6.1",
    "react-helmet": "^5.1.3",
    "react-hot-loader": "^3.0.0-beta.7",
    "react-redux": "^5.0.5",
    "react-router": "^4.1.2",
    "react-router-dom": "^4.1.2",

Catch compile time errors

    "eslint": "^4.3.0",
    "eslint-loader": "^1.9.0",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.7.0",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.1.0",

Write tests

    "mocha": "^3.4.2",
    "mocha-eslint": "^4.1.0",


Create a new page at a new url

  1. cd src

  2. cp -r example example2

  3. Change component name to Example2


export default class Example2 extends Component
  1. Give the component a URL and nest it in our App route


import Example2 from './example2'

<Route path="/" component={App}>
  <Route path="/example2" component={Example2}/>

Manage state with reducers and actions


Create a click action type and action creator. Action types must be unique strings. Action creators must return either:

  • an action {type: ACTION_TYPE_CONSTANT, ...}
  • a function that eventually dispatches actions (dispatch, getState) => {...}
export const CLICK = 'example2/CLICK'
export const click = () => ({ type: CLICK })


Create a state reducer that:

  • is initially 0
  • increments on CLICK actions and
  • stays constant for all other actions
import { CLICK } from './actions'
export default (state = 0, action) => (
  action.type == CLICK
    ? state + 1
    : state


Add our reducer to the global reducer. Reducers can be composed to form a single state tree.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import numberOfClicks from './example2/reducer'

export default combineReducers({numberOfClicks})

Use the global state in your component

Assume the global state is like: {numberOfClicks: 0} and you want it in your component as: this.props.count


import { connect } from 'react-redux'
class Example2 extends Component {...}
export default connect(
  state => ({
    count: state.numberOfClicks

Change the global state from your component


Connect the component to the action

import { click } from './actions'


export default connect(
  { click }

Tie our component's onClick handler to our click action

<div onClick={}>


react redux framework with easily removable examples







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