Taro course (responsive)
HVAC Services (responsive)
CAR selection Services (responsive)
Stack: JavaScript, HTML/CSS/SCSS, Gulp/Vite, Telegram API, Swiper, Observer, BEM, Material Web
Movie app ...... [ REST API, JSON, TMDB API, JavaScript, Typescript, Vite]
Booking Travel App ...... [ Redux Toolkit with AsyncThunk, React, Typescript, REST API ]
Messenger with auto-response ...... [ Node.js, Express, MongoDB(Atlas), Socket.io, React, Redux, SCSS ]
Full-Stack Todo List ... [ Node, Express, PostgreSQL, JWT, Passport, JOI, Nodemailer, React+Typescript, Zuztand, Prisma ORM ]
Catadamy (responsive)
IPTV Services (mobile only)
Accounting (responsive)
Space Research center (responsive)