Python client for dbt cloud
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0.0a1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import dbt_cloud_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import dbt_cloud_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import dbt_cloud_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dbt_cloud_client.AccountsApi(dbt_cloud_client.ApiClient(configuration))
account_id = 56 # int | Numeric ID of the account to retrieve
# get account by id
api_response = api_instance.get_account_by_id(account_id)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->get_account_by_id: %s\n" % e)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = dbt_cloud_client.AccountsApi(dbt_cloud_client.ApiClient(configuration))
# search or list accounts
api_response = api_instance.list_accounts()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountsApi->list_accounts: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | get_account_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/ | get account by id |
AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts/ | search or list accounts |
ConnectionsApi | create_connection | POST /accounts/{accountId}/connections/ | create connection on account |
ConnectionsApi | delete_connection_by_id | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/connections/{connectionId}/ | delete connection on account |
ConnectionsApi | get_connection_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/connections/{connectionId}/ | get specific connection on account |
ConnectionsApi | list_connections_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/connections/ | search or list connections on an account |
ConnectionsApi | update_connection_by_id | POST /accounts/{accountId}/connections/{connectionId}/ | update connection on account |
CredentialsApi | create_credentials | POST /accounts/{accountId}/credentials/ | create credentials on account |
CredentialsApi | list_credentials_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/credentials/ | search or list credentials on an account |
EnvironmentsApi | create_environment | POST /accounts/{accountId}/environments/ | create environment on account |
EnvironmentsApi | delete_environment_by_id | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/environments/{environmentId}/ | delete environment on account |
EnvironmentsApi | get_environment_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/environments/{environmentId}/ | get specific environment on account |
EnvironmentsApi | list_environments_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/environments/ | search or list environments on an account |
EnvironmentsApi | update_environment_by_id | POST /accounts/{accountId}/environments/{environmentId}/ | update environment on account |
JobsApi | create_job | POST /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/ | create job on account |
JobsApi | delete_job_by_id | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/{jobId}/ | delete job on account |
JobsApi | get_job_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/{jobId}/ | get specific job on account |
JobsApi | list_jobs_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/ | search or list jobs on an account |
JobsApi | trigger_run | POST /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/{jobId}/run/ | trigger run for job |
JobsApi | update_job_by_id | POST /accounts/{accountId}/jobs/{jobId}/ | update job on account |
RepositoriesApi | create_repository | POST /accounts/{accountId}/repositories/ | create repository on account |
RepositoriesApi | get_repository_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/repositories/{repositoryId}/ | get specific repository on account |
RepositoriesApi | list_repositories_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/repositories/ | search or list repositories on an account |
RunsApi | cancel_run_by_id | POST /accounts/{accountId}/runs/{runId}/cancel/ | cancel specific run on account |
RunsApi | get_run_by_id | GET /accounts/{accountId}/runs/{runId}/ | get specific run on account |
RunsApi | list_runs_for_account | GET /accounts/{accountId}/runs/ | search or list runs for an account |
- Account
- AccountResponse
- AccountsResponse
- BigqueryConnection
- BigqueryCredential
- Body
- Body1
- Body2
- Body3
- Body4
- Connection
- ConnectionResponse
- ConnectionsResponse
- CredentialsResponse
- Environment
- EnvironmentResponse
- EnvironmentsResponse
- ErrorResponse
- Job
- JobResponse
- JobSchedule
- JobScheduleDate
- JobScheduleTime
- JobSettings
- JobTriggers
- JobsResponse
- OneOfConnectionResponseData
- OneOfbody
- OneOfbody1
- OneOfbody2
- RepositoriesResponse
- Repository
- RepositoryResponse
- Run
- RunResponse
- RunsResponse
- Status
- Trigger