Reactive subordinate charm providing prometheus-node-exporter.
This charm relates to the prometheus charm on the scrape
interface, and provides a metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape on port 9100 by default.
A simple workflow to describe the usage of this charm is as follows:
juju deploy prometheus
juju deploy ubuntu
juju deploy prometheus-node-exporter
juju integrate prometheus-node-exporter ubuntu
juju integrate prometheus-node-exporter:prometheus-target prometheus:target
# juju integrate prometheus-node-exporter:prometheus-manual-job prometheus:manual-jobs
# juju integrate prometheus-node-exporter:scrape prometheus:scrape
# Arch: amd64 / arm64
arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"
wget "${pne_version}/node_exporter-${pne_version}.linux-${arch}.tar.gz" -O ../node_exporter.tar.gz
(cd ..; tar -xzvf "node_exporter.tar.gz" --strip-components=1 "node_exporter-${pne_version}.linux-${arch}/node_exporter" && ls -la node_exporter && rm node_exporter.tar.gz)
Charm allows setting host and port to on which prometheus node exporter will listen. Host can be set also to "public" or "private" for charm to set according to unit.
Collectors which are disabled by default can be separately enabled in config (e.g. ntp, systemd, or nfs).
- James Beedy (c) 2017
- Tilman Baumann (c) 2019
- AGPLv3 - see LICENSE