This project provide a iOS & macOS framework for parsing/generating GPX files. This Framework parses the GPX from a URL or Strings and create Objective-C Instances of GPX structure.
Install the iOS Universal Framework.
Open up the GPX project (GPX.xcodeproj) in Xcode 4.
Click Product > Build in the menu bar.
Drag the framework file into the project's Frameworks group, and import the header file.
#import <GPX/GPX.h>
To parsing the GPX file, simply call the parse method :
GPXRoot *root = [GPXParser parseGPXWithString:gpx];
You can generate the GPX :
GPXRoot *root = [GPXRoot rootWithCreator:@"Sample Application"];
GPXWaypoint *waypoint = [root newWaypointWithLatitude:35.658609f longitude:139.745447f]; = @"Tokyo Tower";
waypoint.comment = @"The old TV tower in Tokyo.";
GPXTrack *track = [root newTrack]; = @"My New Track";
[track newTrackpointWithLatitude:35.658609f longitude:139.745447f];
[track newTrackpointWithLatitude:35.758609f longitude:139.745447f];
[track newTrackpointWithLatitude:35.828609f longitude:139.745447f];
TBXML Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Bradley