DBStatistic (DBS) is a graph generator that help you to implement a database statistics on your website.
06 JUN 17
Add repositories to your composer.json
"repositories" : [
"type" : "vcs",
"url" : "https://github.com/hugo082/DBStatisticBundle.git",
"no-api": true
Add requirement :
"require": {
"db/statisticbundle": "1.0.*",
Update your requirements with composer update
Enable the bundle in the kernel :
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new DB\StatisticBundle\DBStatisticBundle()
Update your routing.yml
resource: "@DBStatisticBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /statistic
Set up your config.yml
service: my.custom.processor.statistic
DBStatisticBundle is a FOUQUET initiative. See also the creator.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle
To create a graph you must add it in your config.yml
like this
service: my.custom.processor.statistic
method: myCustomGraphMethod
type: graphType (doughnut | bar | line)
After this, go to your service class and implement your custom method
use DB\StatisticBundle\Core\Graph;
public function myCustomGraphMethod(Graph $graph) {
// set your data
To set data to your graph, you must use the Graph
parameter and insert the data. To do this, you must create a line that
will contains the data. All data have been sorted by string label.
For example
public function myCustomGraphMethod(Graph $graph) {
$repo = $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:MyEntity');
$entities = $repo->findAll();
$data = $graph->getData();
$line = $data->createLine("main");
foreach ($entities as $e)
$line->incrementValueForItemWithLabel($e->getCountry(), 1);
List of line data insertion :
: set the value for item with labelincrementValueForItemWithLabel
: increment the value for item with labelincrementValueForItemWithDate
: increment the value for item with date (line must have aScale
, see below)incrementMoyValueForItemWithLabel
: compute automatically the average of final value.
Your graph can contains multiple line. To do this, can create multiple line on your data (Warning : all line must have different id).
public function myCustomGraphMethod(Graph $graph) {
$repo = $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:MyEntity');
$entities = $repo->findAll();
$data = $graph->getData();
$caLine = $data->createLine("ca", "Turnover");
$beLine = $data->createLine("be", "Profit");
foreach ($entities as $e) {
$caLine->incrementValueForItemWithDate($e->getDate(), $e->getPrice());
$beLine->incrementValueForItemWithDate($e->getDate(), $e->getMargin() / 100 * $e->getPrice());
You can set different actions on your graph by adding them in your config.yml
file. Thess actions are computed end injected
into your graph object. Some defaults methods takes these actions into account to custom the result (like scale).
For the select
action type you must configure a default
- {id: actionId, type: button, title: actionTitle} # type : 'button' | 'select'
- {id: datescale, type: select, choices: [
{id: week, title: Week},
{id: day, title: Day},
{id: month, title: Month, default: true},
{id: year, title: Year}
You can create a scale for your graph. To do this, you must set the scale to your data and compute them with graph action.
All scale item have an action_id
, and this item are choose when it is the value of action.
After setting all your data, you must compute them to take scale in consideration.
public function caByYear(myCustomGraphMethod $graph, array $parameters) {
$repo = $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:MyEntity');
$entities = $repo->findAll();
$data = $graph->getData();
$caLine = $data->createLine("ca", "Chiffre d'affaire");
$beLine = $data->createLine("be", "Benefice");
foreach ($entities as $e) {
$caLine->incrementValueForItemWithDate($e->getDate(), $e->getPrice());
$beLine->incrementValueForItemWithDate($e->getDate(), $e->getMargin() / 100 * $e->getPrice());
List of scale type:
: date scale (default actions:year
)lable format
: format of date that display (DateTime format)label increment
: interval of empty data (Value1 ..(empty).. Value2 ) (DateTime modify)decrement min value
: min value of date (DateTime modify)
: compare all methods with your custom action.defaultLabelForDate
: set default internal of empty value (used inSCALE_TYPE_DATE
: sort items with your custom actionsortItemsByDate
: sort items by date (Warning : all items must have adate
: all item value contains values of previous items
To display graph, you must insert this scripts to your view :
{% javascripts '@DBStatisticBundle/Resources/public/js/jquery.min.js' // or other jquery
'@DBStatisticBundle/Resources/public/js/Chart.min.js' %}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
After this, insert in your body div
with graph attribute like this
<div data-type="graph" data-id="gId"></div>
With this code, one query is executed for each graph. To load multiple graph in one query, use data-multiple
<div data-type="graph" data-id="gId_1" data-multiple="first_load"></div>
<div data-type="graph" data-id="gId_2" data-multiple="first_load"></div>
<div data-type="graph" data-id="gId_3" data-multiple="second_load"></div>
DBS implement Char.js to show your graph. To custom options (color, line height...) of your graph, you can set option on
your Line
or DataItem
To manage color, you can use DB\StatisticBundle\Core\Color and his defaults methods.
$line->setOption("backgroundColor", $backColor->getRGBA());
For more information about available options, see Char.js docs