Boilerplate: ES6 Front End utilizing Webpack, Sass (with Bourbon and Neat), Gulp, Karma/Jasmine/Jasmine jQuery, Node.js, Express, express-vhost, MongoDB
by Jayson Jacobs
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g karma-cli
npm install -g webpack
npm i
gem install neat
gem install sass
gem install bourbon
bourbon install
neat install
(you might need to use sudo
for some of the above commands)
use forever
or nodemon
to run node.js.
npm install -g forever
npm install -g nodemon
to run MongoDB:
mongod --config=db/mongo.conf
to run the server:
nodemon index.js
will keep an open task (good for development) or
forever start index.js
will spawn a daemon (good for production)
to stop the server:
if using nodemon or
forever stop index.js
(use sudo if you used it to start forever)
run task gulp
for development compilation.
run task karma start
for testing.
default url: http://localhost:8001
Look in /index.js for vhost configuration.
You'll need to add new tasks in gulpfile.js for front-end compilation
make sure you have local virtual domains forwarded to for development.
i.e. virtualdomain.local virtualdomainalt.local
in /etc/hosts
To run on a remote server, use the following task.
sudo NODE_ENV=prod forever start index.js
tells the application to run on port 80.