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Angular18 Standalone components 独立组件, 中后台管理系统模板,移动端适配 Mobile adaptation ng-zorro ant-design-pro front-end framework


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  • 本项目作为我为angular社区尽一点力所能及之力,希望大家喜欢这个模板,也希望更多的国内开发者能重新审视angular这一前端框架,特别是ng17以后的版本,我相信angular会越来越好,我也会一直维护下去,如果您有什么好的建议,可以加我的微信号hj345678912,我拉你进交流群,一起学习进步交流。
  • 本项目也有一点点教学性质,其中用到大量angular新特性,有详细的注释以及参考文章链接在代码中,大家可以看看源码,有问题与我讨论,有改进处可以提pr,我们一起进步
  • 在线预览地址 这里
  • online preview 这里
  • v17.1是最后一个采用真实接口的示例。在这之后的版本都采用mswjs来mock接口,但是仍然配套了java服务端相同接口与数据结构,可以配套使用,源码地址这里
  • 全面开启zoneless,性能快人一步


  • 支持最新angular版本
  • Support the latest angular version
  • 所有组件onPush,性能卓越
  • All components onPush, excellent performance
  • 代码示例丰富,有完整服务端后台,前后端分离示例
  • Rich code examples, complete server background, front-end and back-end separation examples
  • 常用工具类,服务, 指令,管道,封装了表格,抽屉,对话框等常用功能
  • Common tools, services, instructions, pipelines。Encapsulates common functions such as tables, drawers, and dialog boxes
  • 全部组件均为独立组件,文件量减少(如果需要module版本,请看这里
  • Standalone Components(module style is here



2.v17.1这个版本前,系统管理菜单下都为真实api接口调用示例。账号admin,密码123456 ,,数据库每10分钟从备份恢复一次



快速二开使用详解 快速二开使用详解
项目搭建简易教程 项目搭建简易教程
纯净版项目地址 pure
pure project address pure
服务端源码地址 serviceApi
serviceApi address serviceApi

路由的key(routing key)

The key needs to be set to the string after the last '/' of the routing address, and it must be unique

const routes: Routes = [
  {path: '', data: {key: 'login', shouldDetach: 'no'}, component: LoginFormComponent}

栅格系统监听(grid system monitoring)

enum EquipmentWidth {
  xs,  // (max-width: 575.98px)
  sm,  // (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767.98px)
  md,  // (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991.98px)
  lg,  // (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199.98px)
  xl,  // (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599.98px)
  xxl  // (min-width: 1600px)

使用方式(How to use)

  constructor(private windowsWidthService: WindowsWidthService) {
  this.windowsWidthService.getWindowWidthStore().pipe(takeUntil(this.destory$)).subscribe(res => {
    this.currentEquipmentWidth = res;

模块不需要预加载(Modules do not need to be preloaded)

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'contact',
    loadChildren: import(() => './contact/contact.module').then(m => m.ContactModule),
    data: {
      preload: false

模块不需要保存状态(Modules don't need to save state)

const routes: Routes = [
  {path: '', data: {key: 'login', shouldDetach: 'no'}, component: LoginFormComponent}

模块中打开新tab页来展示详情,必须设置参数如下(Open a new tab page in the module to display the details, and the parameters must be set as follows)

在data中设置(newTab Set newTab in data)

const routes: Routes = [
  {path: '', component: TabsComponent, data: {title: '标签页操作', key: 'tabs'}},
  {path: 'example-detail', component: DetailComponent, data: {newTab:'true', title: '演示详情', key: 'example-detail'}}

缓存页面中指定容器的滚动条(The scroll bar of the specified container in the cache page)

在data中设置scrollContain 为元素选择器 (Set scrollContain as element selector in data)

  {path: '', component: KeepScrollPageComponent, data: {title: '缓存滚动条', key: 'keep-scroll-page',scrollContain:['#div-scroll1','#div-scroll2']}}

路由复用下切换tab调用的临时声明周期如下(The temporary statement cycle of switching tab calls is as follows)

_onReuseInit: () => void;
_onReuseDestroy: () => void;

It can be realized by directly writing the method named _onReuseInit or _onReuseDestroy in the target component

系统截图(System screenshot)




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