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React Testing Library & Jest

01. Introduction


02. Libraries

@testing-library/react => uses ReactDOM to render components for testing

@testing-library/user-event => simulate user actions for testing

@testing-library/dom => find elements in rendered components

jest => run tests and reports results

jsdom => simulate a browser for nodejs environment

jest finds all files ending with .spec or .test or in __test__ folder and runs

03. Test

test() global function


jsdom creates fake browser environment in nodejs env when render function call

screen object access elements in the fake dom

element query => find elements that components rendered

React Testing Library Query System => 48 functions


04. ARIA Role

getAllByRole, getByRole => ARIA Role, the purpose of the element for disability with vision and screen reader

by default html tag assigned role automatically => implicit

can assign role manually => explicit

heading => h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 list => ul,li button => button link => a textbox => input default or type:text


role is preferred way to find elements

05. Jest Matchers

expect() with matchers (Jest + RTL) for assertion

Jest Matchers => JS related, toHaveLength(), toEqual(), toContain(), toThrow(), toHaveBeenCalled()


RTL Matchers => DOM related, toBeInTheDocument(), toBeEnabled(), toHaveClass(), toHaveTextContain(), toHaveValue()


06. Mock Functions

knowing what to test + the best way to test

getAllByRole => multiple elements getByRole => only one element, throw error if not found or multiple, use for exact one element

user-event lib for user action

click(), keyboard(), keyboard('{Enter}')

jest can run specific test files

mock => fake => does not do anything, get called with arguments

mock function => jest.fn() => track number of calls and arguments



07. Testing Playground

screen.logTestingPlaygroundURL() => open playground link

to know how to find proper query functions by selecting dom element in playground

08. Query Function Escape Hatches

thead, tbody => rowgroup tr => row th => columnheader td => cell

role cannot be good for every query, so use fallbacks => data-testid, container.querySelector()

data-testid => identifier for element => within(screen.getByTestId(id)) => not the best idea

render() returns an object which contains container which is a dom reference of the component wrapped by a div

container.querySelector() => direct access


09. beforeEach

avoid beforeEach for rendering components



user-event vs fireEvent

10. React Testing Library Book

npx rtl-book serve fileName.ts

RTL Book for cheat sheet

11. Element Roles

a => link button => button footer => contentinfo h1 => heading header => banner img => img input:type=checkbox => checkbox input:type=number => spinbutton input:type=radio => radio input:type=text => textbox li => listitem ul => list

12. Accessible Names

text content within the element

screen.getByRole('button', { name: /sign in/i });

13. Accessible Input with Label

Self-closing elements (also known as 'void elements') like input, img, and br cannot contain text content.

for accessible name of input, use label tag and link with input id and label htmlFor. Label text content will be accessible name of input.

const emailInput = screen.getByRole('textbox', {  name: /email/i });

14. Direct Accessible Names

void element or element without text content, use aria-label to give accessible names.

15. Query Functions

query functions => use to find elements that are rendered by components

All query functions are accessed through the screen object in a test. These query functions always begin with one of the following names: getBy, getAllBy, queryBy, queryAllBy, findBy, findAllBy.

Start of Function Name Examples
getBy getByRole, getByText
getAllBy getAllByText, getByDisplayValue
queryBy queryByDisplayValue, queryByTitle
queryAllBy queryAllByTitle, queryAllByText
findBy findByRole, findBytext
findAllBy findAllByText, findAllByDisplayValue

These names indicate the following:

  1. Whether the function will return an element or an array of elements
  2. What happens if the function finds 0, 1, or > 1 of the targeted element
  3. Whether the function runs instantly (synchronously) or looks for an element over a span of time (asynchronously)

Looking for a Single Element?

Name 0 matches 1 match > 1 match Notes
getBy Throw Element Throw
queryBy null Element Throw
findBy Throw Element Throw Looks for an element over the span of 1 second

Looking for Multiple Elements?

Name 0 matches 1 match > 1 match Notes
getAllBy Throw []Element []Element
queryAllBy [ ] []Element []Element
findAllBy Throw []Element []Element Looks for elements over the span of 1 second

When to use each

Goal of test Use
Prove an element exists getBy, getAllBy
Prove an element does not exist queryBy, queryAllBy
Make sure an element eventually exists findBy, findAllBy

16. getBy, queryBy, findBy, getAllBy, queryAllBy, findAllBy


findBy, findAllBy => promise resolve/reject => default 1s => use for data fetching or asynchronous

17. Query Criteria

React Testing Library provides many different query functions. Each begins with a name like getBy, findBy, etc. The names also have common endings. The different name endings indicate how the query for an element will be performed.

End of Function Name Search Criteria
ByRole Finds elements based on their implicit or explicit ARIA role
ByLabelText Find form elements based upon the text their paired labels contain
ByPlaceholderText Find form elements based upon their placeholder text
ByText Find elements based upon the text they contain
ByDisplayValue Find elements based upon their current value
ByAltText Find elements based upon their alt attribute
ByTitle Find elements based upon their title attribute
ByTestId Find elements based upon their data-testid attribute

When to Use Each

Always prefer using query functions ending with ByRole. Only use others if ByRole is not an option.

accept regex

18. Matchers

Matchers help make sure that a value is what we expect it to be.

A project generated by Create React App has access to all the matchers included in Jest, as well as matchers defined in the @testing-library/jest-dom package.

Name Link
Jest []
@testing-library/jest-dom []

can create custom matchers, first parameter is expect element and others are matcher arguments


19. Big Projects

Most of testing is about figuring out other engineers' code

Testing in dream => write code => write test immediately => super easy

Testing in reality => bug report to support team => support team creates tickets and report to PM => PM request to the engineering team => engineers fix the bug and write tests

20. Module mocks, Navigation, Act

Library code needs library config for testing

act() warning => data fetching in useEffect()

  1. unexpected state updates in test are bad => test before state update => need to wait state update/asynchronous
  2. Act function defines a window in time where state update occur => state update will happen in act function => act function from react-dom without RTL
  3. RTL uses act function automatically => screen.findBy, screen.findAllBy, waitFor, user.keyboard,
  4. don't follow warnings message, use findBy

options to solve act warnings, from best to worst

  1. use findBy or findAllBy
  2. use act function
  3. use module mock to avoid rendering
  4. use act as a pause

jest.mock(filePath, callback) => fake contents of a file


act => original react-dom => RTL import, modify and export

toHaveAttribute(attribute, value), toHaveClass(className)

21. Data Fetching

don't make actual network request, due to slow and data changes in testing environment, mock them

  1. Mock file with data fetching code
  2. use msw (mock service worker) library to mock axios => intercept the request and return fake data
  3. create manual mock for axios

22. Authentication

jest runs top-level codes first and then test code.

test nesting => describe() => groups together several related tests => beforeAll, afterAll related to describe block scope



  1. use test.only or describe.only to limit the number of tests executed => skip other tests
  2. use debugger => script => react-scripts --inspect-brk test --runInBand --no-cache, chrome => about:inspect

cache can be problem for testing