UUID generator according to RFC 4122.
This lib is just a reimplementation of elixir_uuid
respectively uuid_utils with a different API.
If you’re already use elixir_uuid
or uuid_utils
there’s no reason to change.
UUID Version 1
iex> ExUUID.new(:v1)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v1, format: :hex)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v1, format: :binary)
<<237, 251, 104, 68, 143, 171, 17, 235, 181, 109, 92, 50, 88, 148, 127, 219>>
UUID Version 3
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, nil, "foo")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, :dns, "foo")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, :x500, "foo")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, :url, "foo")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, :oid, "foo")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v3, :oid, "foo", format: :hex)
UUID Version 4
iex> ExUUID.new(:v4)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v4, format: :hex)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v4, format: :binary)
<<237, 251, 104, 68, 143, 171, 17, 235, 181, 109, 92, 50, 88, 148, 127, 219>>
UUID Version 5
iex> ExUUID.new(:v5, nil, "bar")
iex> ExUUID.new(:v5, :dns, "bar")
UUID Version 6
iex> ExUUID.new(:v6)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v6, format: :hex)
iex> ExUUID.new(:v6, format: :binary)
<<237, 251, 104, 68, 143, 171, 17, 235, 181, 109, 92, 50, 88, 148, 127, 219>>
, version/1
, variant/1
iex> uuid = "edfb6844-8fab-11eb-b56d-5c3258947fdb"
iex> ExUUID.valid?(uuid)
iex> ExUUID.version(uuid)
{:ok, 1}
iex> ExUUID.variant(uuid)
{:ok, :rfc4122}
iex> uuid = "edfb6844-8fab-11eb-b56d-5c3258947fdb"
iex> {:ok, uuid} = ExUUID.to_binary(uuid)
<<237, 251, 104, 68, 143, 171, 17, 235, 181, 109, 92, 50, 88, 148, 127, 219>>}
iex> ExUUID.to_string(uuid)
{:ok, "edfb6844-8fab-11eb-b56d-5c3258947fdb"}
iex> ExUUID.to_string(uuid, format: :hex)
{:ok, "edfb68448fab11ebb56d5c3258947fdb"}