tenden|see allows users to manage and track daily tasks like any other habit tracker. Unlike the other apps out there, tenden|see uses photos to increase adherence by simplifying the checking off of a daily task, making that process more rewarding, and adding an element of social proof. tenden|see was built in React Native / Redux with a RESTful Node / Express server and a MySQL relational database and has been optimized for both iOS and Android.
Watch the app demo (Google Play and Apple App Store submissions pending)
- Log a habit by taking a picture
- Have an exercise habit? Snap a picture of the gym, treadmill, running shoes, barbells, and so forth
- Follow friends
- View your friends' photos
- Private-mode
- Make habits private
- Insights on your habits
- Streaks, success rate, and more
- React Native - A framework for building native apps using React
- Redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Clarifai - Image and video recognition API
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- Express - Flexible Node.js web application framework
- MySQL - Open-source relational database management system
- Facebook Login - Secure, fast and convenient way for people to login
- Amazon S3 - Simple, durable, massively scalable object storage
- Product Owners: Guedis Cardenas, Thomas O'Connor
- Scrum Master: Duncan Pedersen
- Development Team Members: Debasish Mozumder
Some usage instructions
- Node 0.10.x
- Redis 2.6.x
- Postgresql 9.1.x
- etc
- etc
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
Made with 💙 by:
- Thomas O'Connor: @tgoc99
- Duncan Pedersen: @dppedersen
- Debasish Mozumder: @DebOM
- Guedis Cardenas: @palante