Without wasting your time, here's a list of cool projects for beginners.
- Title: React Components
- Purpose: Create a Simple App separating the heading component
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: React Properties
- Purpose: Create a ContactList App using React Properties
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: ReactMapping_Components
- Purpose: Create an Emojipedia App by Mapping_Data_To_Components
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: ReactConditionalRendering
- Purpose: Create a simple app using Conditional Rendering to show different components without moving the variable 'isUserRegistered'.
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: React_useState_Hook
- Purpose: Create a Simple Timer App using React useState_Hook
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: Event_Handling_In_React
- Purpose: Create a Simple App using React Event_Handling
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: Form_In_React
- Purpose: Create a Simple app to detect user events using React Forms
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: Change_Complex_StateInReact
- Purpose: Create a Simple Forms App using Complex State with React
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: React_ToDoListApp
- Purpose: Create a TodoList App with React
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
- Title: React_NoteKeeperApp
- Purpose: Create a NoteKeeper App with React
- Deployment: Sandbox ✔️
Access the Deployed version at HerokuDeployment ✔️
All the best of your journey!
But more importantly, everyone is looking to JavaScript and React for the future of web applications. Learning React now will future-proof your career and increase your earning power.
This project is under the MIT License (MIT). See the LICENSE for more information.
Contributions are always welcome...
- Fork the repository
- Improve current program by
- improving functionality
- adding a new feature
- bug fixes
- Push your work and Create a Pull Request