Releases: hpxmlwg/hpxml
Releases · hpxmlwg/hpxml
HPXML 2.2.1
HPXML 2.2.1 is a backwards compatible patch release to 2.2 to provide the following change:
- Added the "preconstruction" event type to support Home Energy Score #104.
HPXML 2.2 is a (mostly) backwards compatible release.
- Add
enumeration: underside of rafters #16 - Allow zero for
#24 Add[note: this was never implemented. We decided against it.]EventType
enumeration: supervised audit #26- Allow multiple
elements #27 - Document window areas as the total surface area for a group of windows #30
- Add
element #31 - Add
enumeration: Energy Star Most Efficient #32 - Add
elements #33 - Add example files from HPXML Toolbox #35
- Add
element #64 - Add
enumeration: sauna #41 - Add
enumeration: well pump #42 - Add
element #78 - Add
element #45 - Add
element #48 - Add
element #67 - Add
element #51 - Add
element #71 - Add
, andLevelizedCostOfEnergy
to PV and Wind #53 - Add
enumerations: power purchase agreement, utility owned, other #54 - Add
enumeration: NEEP Cold-Climate Air-Source Heat Pump Specification #56 - Add
element #72 - Remove trailing space from
enumeration "indoor water", leave original #92 - Add
elements #65 - Enforce
to be positive #37 (breaking change)
HPXML 2.1 is a minor backwards compatible release.
- Allowing a non-integer and zero number of residents #10
- Added extension sub-element to ambient and rubble stone foundation types #2
Non-breaking changes
- Added weather station used in model simulation or utility bill regression analysis (trac #307)
- Added flag to indicate whether duct leakage was total or to outside (trac #308)
- Updated BPI 2400 elements to include simplified bias errors by end use
- Added water fixture element #6
- Added first hour rating, gallons per minute to water heaters #8
- Added emissions rate to wood stove #8
- Added "direct expansion" enumeration to geothermal loop #8
- Added pipe R-value under HVAC distribution #8
- Added lighting fixture #6
- Added moveable insulation R-value to windows #6
- Added Temperature-initiated shower flow restriction valve #15
- Added HoursPerDay under PoolPump/PumpSpeed and deprecated it under PoolPump #11
Breaking Changes
- Removed deprecated Maintain*.xsd schemas so that all implementations will be using the same HPXML.xsd.
- Moved the BPI 2400 elements and renamed/reorganized them.
- Renamed element AttachedToCAZ under water heater to fix a typo.
- Removed "batch heater" from SolarCollectorLoopType in lieu of the previously added "integrated collector storage" enumeration on SolarThermalCollectorType.
Non-breaking Changes
- Added swimming pool elements.
- Added Assembly R-Value to the Insulation element.
- Added element to ventilation fans to specify that it is a whole house fan used for seasonal cooling.
- Added Distribution System Efficiency for heating and cooling systems.
- Added a performance adjustment to water heaters.
HPXML 1.1.1
Bugfix release
- EnergySavingsType/AnnualPercentReduction now allows negative savings values as well.
- Extension element: the xs:any now has a processContents set to skip, which tells schema validators to skip those elements.
- Bug fix for schemaVersion attribute on root element. Namespace issues cleared up.
- Fixed typo in name of InsulationLocation.*
* This is technically a breaking change, but was included here as a minor bugfix. Make sure your implementation expects this.
This is a minor (backwards compatible) release that incorporates the following changes from v1.0.2:
- Added a version number to the schema and instance documents.
- Multiple installed components are allowed in a measure.
- Add ability to select "unknown" as insulation material type sub-selection after the main selection.
- Allow for more than one duct leakage measurement and be able to specify whether it was for the supply or return ducts.
- Allowing multiple ConsumptionInfo elements under BuildingSummary/AnnualEnergyUse.
- Allowing multiple ThirdPartyCertifications under ceiling fans.
- Augmented the solar thermal system element to include integral collector storage systems and passive thermosyphons.
- Added SolarThermal and PV as end uses to modeled energy use, documented that their values should be recorded as negative to indicate production of energy.
- Changed type of all temperatures from integer to float.
- Added Elements
- ModeledUsageType/AnnualFuelCost
- HealthAndSafety/Stoves/TimeofCOReading
- CeilingFan/AirFlow/FanSpeed, Airflow, and Efficiency as well as ThirdPartyCertification
- Lighting/LightingGroup/AverageLumens
- HealthAndSafety/General/TestsCompleted, TestsPassed
- EnergyAndWaterUseTypeDescription/Energy/EnergyUseIntensity
- Systems/Photovoltaics/PVSystem/YearModulesManufactured
- InsulationInfo/InsulationLocation
- FoundationWall/AdjacentToFoundation
- Project/ProjectDetails/YearCertified , CertifyingOrganizationURL , EnergyStarHomeVersion
- Skylight/SolarTube
- WallType/LogWall
- WindowInfo/FrameType/Wood (used in both windows and skylights)
- WindowInfo/FrameType/ThermalBreak (used in both windows and skylights)
- Window/GasFill
- HVACPlant/PrimarySystems with PrimaryHeatingSystem, PrimaryCoolingSystem subelements
- SolarThermal/Manufacturer, ModelNumber
- Measure/WaterSavingsInfo
- AirDistributionInfo/NumberofReturnRegisters
- AirdistributionInfo/Ducts/DuctType
- HealthAndSafety/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan/TotalRecoveryEfficiency, SensibleRecoveryEfficiency, FanPower
- Wall/Thickness
- Added Enumerations
- Energy Star Home to CertifyingOrganization
- mini-split to HeatPumpType
- ground-to-air to HeatPumpType
- other to DoorMaterial
- several fluorescent lighting tube types to FluorescentTubeType
- several stud dimensions to StudDimensions
- other housing unit to AdjacentTo
- crawlspace to DuctLocation. (Previously you had to select either vented crawlspace or unvented crawlspace.)
- Modified Schema Documentation
- CAZApplianceReading/CurrentCondition
- CombustionApplianceZone/CombustionApplianceTest/StackTemperature
- CombustionApplianceZone/BaselineTest
- CombustionApplianceZone/NetPressureChange
- MeasureDetailsType/ResourceSavingsInfo/ResourcesSaves/LoadProfile
- HeatingSystemInfoType/HeatingCapacity to indicate it is input capacity
- Wall/Area defined as gross wall area
- LightingGroup/AverageWattage defined as per unit (lamp)
- AtticFloorInsulation
- CombustionApplianceZone/PoorCaseTest
- AirInfiltrationMeasurementType/EffectiveLeakageArea
- Bugfixes:
- Removed redundant multiplicity of EmailInfoType.
- Allowing fuel savings percentages to be negative.
- Removed union from enumerations in ConsumptionType because it confused some XML schema processors.
- Made TelephoneType optional
HPXML 1.0.2
First release as a BPI standard.
This is a bugfix release and incorporates the following changes over 1.0.1:
- Added sameas attribute to SystemIdentifier, which permits linking components on the before and after building description that were not removed or replaced in a measure.
- Added a SystemIdentifier to AirSealing for referencing in measures. Also set maxOccurs on AirSealing and !AirInfiltrationMeasurement to unbounded to allow for multiple air sealings and infiltration measurements on a building.*
- Added TuneAndRepair to HVACSystemInfo/HVACMaintenance
- Added InsulationInfo/MisalignedInsulation (boolean)
- Corrected a typo on VentilationFan/UsedForWholeBuildingVentilation*
- Added notes field to CombustionApplianceZone
- Set maxOccurs to unbounded on heating and cooling efficiencies to permit specifying multiple different efficiency types.
* This is technically a breaking change, but was included here as a minor bugfix. Make sure your implementation expects this.