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HowAboutWe's Sass & View Style Guide

Here are some rules to help keep your Sass and Views maintainable while keeping your resulting CSS performant in the browser.

Main Table of Contents

Clean up

  • Generally, you should leave all code better off than when you started, including views and SASS files.
  • If you find that view or SASS code violates any the rules in this style guide while completing your story, update the Sass unless:
    • you are behind on sprint or points for that story
    • it is taking longer than 30 mins - 1 hour
  • If possible, all clean up commits should be separate from story commits.


While there are lessons we've learned in the trenches, start with this guide from the Sass way


Directory Structure

Your app/assets/stylesheets directory to have the following structure:

  • application
    • base
      • _ui.scss ...
    • shared
      • _modals.scss ...
    • vendor_override
      • _vendor_name.scss
    • views
      • _account.scss
    • _boilerplate.scss
    • _colors.scss
    • _mixins.scss
    • _sizes.scss
  • vendor
  • application.css.scss

Rules for where styles should go:

  • Fundamental layouts and styles go in application/base
  • Shared styles (often for shared views) go in application/shared
  • View specific styles go in application/views
    • Note: these files will still be compiled into the global application.css file and thus should be scoped appropriately

Code Structure

  • Like Ruby code, code should be organized in logical paragraphs
  • @includes should be group together at the top of the selector
  • @extends should be grouped together after @includes
  • Styles for the current selector should be after @extends
  • Nested selectors should be last
    • & nested selectors should go above child nested selectors

For example:

.my_class {
  @include adjust-font-size-to($medium-font-size);
  @include border-radius(5px);

  @extend .container;
  @extend .some_other_class;

  color: $cyan;

  &:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

  span {
    color: $pink;


  • All selectors should be snake_case
  • Don't use alignment and markup based classes.
    • ex: .right{ float: right }
    • ex: .patternLight { background: $patternLight }
    • prefer variables over markup based classes
  • Tend towards verbose class names
  • Prefer adding styles on the class rather than element or id

In views:

  • Each page should have the class of the controller and action and styles should be scoped accordingly
  • Classes and HTML should describe the content of the page not the style of the page


  • variables are hypenated-case (whatever that's called)
  • Establish a base file for:
    • _sizes.scss with base variables for fonts (font size and line height) and grid units (grid, margins, padding)
    • _colors.scss with the colors from your styleguide.
    • Only use the established variables for padding, margins, layouts, font sizes, colors, etc.
      • If you need a new color or size, you probably don't.
      • If you actually need a new color or size:
        • update the base _colors.scss first and use the variable - do not hard code the new color or size
        • update and build the design styleguide for the project
        • Add the change as a separate commit
  • Variables should be named based on what they represent not their value
    • e.g. use $medium-font-size not $type-size-23
  • Use the base variable for slight variations of a color or size
    • e.g. lighten($pink, 20%)
  • Use variables for repeated values within a file or class declaration
    • for example: _nav.scss

        $nav_height: 50px;
        nav { height: $nav_height; }
        #main { margin-top: $nav_height*-1; }


Beware of inception style selectors.

  • Limit nesting
  • Don't mirror your nested selectors to mirror your markup's nesting.
  • Prefer global styles over page or element specific-styles


SASS is code. Use it as such where appropriate.

  • Use math functions for style variations
    • e.g.: $skinny-padding: $base-padding/2
  • Limit use of control directives (@if, @for etc)


Use it!

  • Prefer compass functions over home-grown solutions
  • Use the vertical rhytym function to establish consistency for font sizes, line heights, margins, and padding.
    • ex: @include adjust-font-size-to($medium-font-size) for changing the font size
    • ex: @include leader(1) for adding top space. margin-leader and padding-leader are also available
    • ex: @include trailer(1) for adding bottom space. margin-trailer and padding-trailer are also available


  • Be cautious when using extends
  • Never extend something that is already using an @extend
  • If using extend on selection deep on page or more than 4 or 5 times on the site, create a mixin


  • Always use a mixin if it exists
  • Create a mixin when appropriate for code reuse
  • Create a mixin for the class if you are using extend for the class more than 5 times on the site
  • Never put an extend in a mixin
  • If you use a mixin and often have to override something, consider adding an argument or variable to the mixin
  • Generally, do not have a class that simply includes a mixin.
    • Instead, include the mixin in the appropriate content-based class as needed
    • Bad: .bevelledSeparator { @include bevelledSeparator; }
    • Good: .offer { @include bevelledSeparator; }



  • Logic in views should be extremely limited if at all
    • Prefer the use of partials, helpers, or decorators
  • Mark up should be based on content not styles
  • Like Ruby code, break code into logical paragraphs for readability
  • Break view files into partials where makes sense for readability and comprehension
  • Prefer higher level classes on markup in order to move styling differences exclusively into CSS


    .cyan { color: $cyan; }        

    %span.icon-arrow{ class: @offer.booked? ? 'cyan' : '' }


  :sass span { color: $cyan; }


  • Move reused components into partials
  • Prefer containing rendering logic in the partial itself rather than outside it
  • Paritals should be contained in a div with a class that's the name of the partial
    • ex: _payment_items.haml should have .payment_items on line #1
  • All modal partials should be in app/views/shared/modals directory
  • All partials should be tested with RSpec view tests


  • Generally prefer decorators over helpers for single class only logic
  • Helper methods should always be tested
  • Limit the tag generation in helpers
    • If the difference is simply html attributes or text, create methods specifically for those cases.
    • See Decorators for more information on this pattern.


We use Draper to implement the Presenter/Decorator Pattern for our views

  • Prefer explicit delegation over delegate_all
  • Limit tag generation and rendering in decorator methods to areas where the object's state determines rendering
    • If the difference is simply html attributes or text, use a method specifically for that.
  • All decorator methods should be tested

You should use a decorator when there is complex logic associated with displaying the object. For example:

  • to generate a collection of classes that can be used to move much or all of the view logic into CSS
  • to generate copy changes based on the state of an object
  • particulary in the case of complex object state-based logic

Complex Logic Examples

Decorators can return object state or method based classes. Use this as a way to move display differences exclusively into CSS

  def price_classes
    classes = []
    classes << 'membersOnly' if members_only
    classes << (free_for_member? ? 'free' : 'paid')
    classes << 'unavailable' if !bookable? || h.offer_booked?(self)
    classes << 'nonMembers' if !members_only && non_member_price > 0
    classes.join(' ')
.offerCard{ class: offer.price_classes }
.pricing{ class: offer.price_classes }

Decorators can return computed html attributes nicely

def booking_form_attributes
  attrs = {
    url: h.offer_booking_path(self, secure: true),
    html: { id: 'new_booking' }

  if h.current_user.has_booked_this_month?
    attrs[:html][:class] = 'track_submit'
    attrs[:html][:"data-event-name"] = "submit: upsell"

= form_for(@booking, offer.booking_form_attributes) do |f|

Generator PDF or HTML

You can generate a PDF or an HTML copy of this guide using Transmuter.

   gem install transmuter
   sudo easy_install pygments
   gem install pdfkit
   brew install wkhtmltopdf


Laying down the Sass law






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