HTAutocompleteTextField is a subclass of UITextField that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time.
HTRasterView is a rasterization system that caches rendered components based on state.
HTGraphics is a set of tools for drawing custom UI elements, allowing you to do cool things like highlight an arbitrary UIBezierPath.
HTCoreImage is a collection of convenience categories for Core Image. There are convenience constructors for every filter, annotated with NS_AVAILABLE_SINCE() macros so you know what's in iOS 5 vs iOS 6.
HTDelegateProxy is an NSProxy subclass that allows you to assign multiple delegates to a single source. Void return type messages are sent to all delegates.
HTGradientEasing allows you to easily add smooth easing to CAGradientLayers, like SineEaseInOut.
HTUpdateAggregator improves update logic in NSObject/UIView/UIViewController subclasses.
HTCopyableLabel is a subclass of UILabel that makes it easy to allow users to copy a label's text.
This project serves as a collection podspec and a centralized demo project for our published code. If you don't use cocoapods, refer to the individual repos above for installation.
Add the following line to your podfile:
pod 'HTKit'
Tweet the authors @jakej, @jonsibs, @raylillywhite and @lavoy, and check out HotelTonight's engineering blog: http://engineering.hoteltonight.com