Example app for Hot Glue 0.6.0 Here's how this app was built:
bin/rails generate model Author first_name:string last_name:string
bin/rails generate model Book author_id:integer title:string
next, install the global typeahead tools
bin/rails generate hot_glue:typeahead_install
next, generate a scaffold for the authors
bin/rails generate hot_glue:scaffold Author --gd --smart-layout
next, generate a scaffold for the books and modify the author_id into a type ahead:
bin/rails generate hot_glue:scaffold Book --modify='author_id{typeahead}' --gd --smart-layout
Notice this gives us an important warning message:
WARNING: you specified --modify=author_id{typeahead} but there is no file at `app/controllers/authors_typeahead_controller.rb`
It instructs us to do this:
bin/rails generate hot_glue:typeahead Author
As well as the above, I created methods name
on both Book and Author, and added to the config/routes.rb file
You do not do the steps above, they are just written out to demonstrate what I did to build the app.
After you db:create & db:migrate, you should seed this database using the data migrator:
bin/rails data:migrate
this will create 100 random author names and 1000 random books.
Node + Ruby versions are in .node-version
and .ruby-version
, respectively.
run with bin/rake