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C++20 GitHub tag (latest by date) Conan Center

ThreadPool Leopard

This is a light-weight C++ Thread Pool that allows running any callable similar to std::async interface. It has both global and local queues and employs a work-stealing algorithm.

Code Sample

static void parallel_loop_test()  {

    std::cout << "Running parallel_loop_test() ..." << std::endl;

    constexpr std::size_t       n { 10003 };
    constexpr std::size_t       the_sum { (n * (n + 1)) / 2 };
    std::vector<std::size_t>    vec (n);

    std::iota(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1);

    auto        func =
        [](const auto &begin, const auto &end) -> std::size_t  {
            std::size_t sum { 0 };

            for (auto iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter)
                sum += *iter;
            return (sum);
    ThreadPool  thr_pool { 5 };  // Thread pool with 5 threads.
    // First we do it using iterators
    auto        futs = thr_pool.parallel_loop(vec.cbegin(), vec.cend(), func);

    std::size_t result {0};

    for (auto &fut : futs)
        result += fut.get();
    assert(result == the_sum);

    // Now do the same thing, this time with integer indices
    auto    func2 =
        [](auto begin, auto end, const auto &vec) -> std::size_t  {
            std::size_t sum { 0 };

            for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i)
                sum += vec[i];
            return (sum);
    auto    futs2 = thr_pool.parallel_loop(std::size_t(0), n, func2, vec);

    result = 0;
    for (auto &fut : futs2)
        result += fut.get();
    assert(result == the_sum);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct   MyClass  {
    bool routine(std::size_t i)  {
        std::cout << "From routine() " << i << "\n";
        return (true);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

my_func(std::size_t i, double d, const std::string &s)  {
    std::cout << "my_func(): " << i << ", " << d << ", " << s << '\n';
    return (s + "_ABC");

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int main (int, char *[])  {
    MyClass my_obj;

    // Start off with 5 threads in reserve in the pool
    // "timeout_flag" is true by default
    // "timeout_time" is set to half an hour for idle threads by default
    ThreadPoolType  thr_pool (5);

    thr_pool.add_thread (2);  // Add 2 threads to the pool
    thr_pool.add_thread (-3); // Terminate 3 threads in the pool

    // Dispatch a member function
    // "immediately" flag is set to false
    auto    my_class_fut = thr_pool.dispatch(false, &MyClass::routine, &my_obj, 5555);
    std::cout << "MyClass Future result: " << my_class_fut.get() << std::endl;

    // Dispatch a lambda
    // "immediately" flag is set to true
    auto    my_lambda_fut = thr_pool.dispatch(true,
                                              [](std::size_t i) -> std::size_t { return (i * i); },
    std::cout << "Lambda result: " << my_lambda_fut.get() << std::endl;

    // Dispatch a function
    // "immediately" flag is set to false
    const std::string   str = "XXXX";
    auto                my_func_fut = thr_pool.dispatch(false, my_func, 5555, 0.555, std::cref(str));
    std::cout << "my_func Future result: " << my_func_fut.get() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Available threads: " << thr_pool.available_threads() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Capacity threads: " << thr_pool.capacity_threads() << std::endl;

    // You don't have to call shutdown() necessarily, but you could.
    // It is called by the destructor.
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);